mcfly I've got you

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Abbies POV


I woke up and saw the time err who thorght it would be a good idea to play football on a saturday morning? Oh that's right my perfect knob of a cousin! Danny! I miss him so much he just left me for his band I was so close to him! He was my best friend the one that stood by me untill he met Tom and he left me. I was proud of him but he left me!

So I crawled out of bed with a banging headache from the night before I had been out with my friends and didn't get home till 12! That's why I'm grounded. Nothing new. I got my self ready and took my self to football urmstom medowside under 17's we were playing bury ladies.


I returned home and my dad was there and he said "go and get showered and ready we have people coming round, be quick" err just what I want people to tell me of for my drinkning, smoking and partying and just too focus in school! For people to nag me on how perfect danny is and that I'm nothing like him! So I took my self upstairs and put my music on blink and mcfly and I had a shower.

Dannys POV

"Right guys she's 16 leave her alone no flirting or anything I've not seen her for 3 years nearlyive missed her" I told the guys to keep there hands off! I walked in and Abbies dad was sat there. "Hey Dan how's it going".

"Hey mark its everythings fine oh and this is tom harry and dougie, my band"

I introduced them. "How's abs?" I asked and his face droped I began to worry.

"Erm well she's being partying and not concentrating on her school work or football she's just not Abbie anymore" he explained to me. "This is all my fault! I left her she needed me and I was too much of a prick to see!" I was getting angry with my self now

"Come on Dan this isn't your fault, she changed that's it" he tried to reasure me but this wasn't working I needed to speek to her now! "Can I go see her!" I asked. "She's in the shower ill just see if she's done.

Abbies POV

"Abbie you ready yet? Someones her too see you, can I send them up?"

I heard my dad shout. Great someone wants to speek to me well this isn't going to be fun! "Yes dad I'm done" I shouted back then I heard talking I couldn't quite work out what was being said but a strong bolton accsent. Now there's only one person this could be. Mr perfect jones home self! Danny! "Can I come in?" He asked I really wasn't up for this! " Fine!" Was all I said. He sat down and said "I'm not angry and I'm not going to go mad just listen". I sat up and looked at him for the first time in 3 years. "Omg look at you dan! You have grown up so much". He smiled and said "and the same too you too". He hugged me tight and said "I've missed you so so much but I have some people I'd like you too meet and how about we go for a little walk me you and the boys or just me and you."

"Okay, they can come aswell cos it maybe a little aqward bettween them and my dad"

I put my make up on and walked down stairs where dan and his band were stood.

"Let's go."

Dougies POV

She walked down and looked at us wow! She's changed she had a top on that said USA on it a pair of black skinny jeens a leather jacket and a pair of converse. She looked so much different her old dirty blonde hair now bleached blonde with purple dip died ends no football clothes she looked stunning! I'd only met her twice before but now she looked amazing! I still don't know much about her just the fact that her and danny were like best mates. She's 16 and a bit of a rebel but danny would kill me if I went any where near her I've already been warned plus I'm 2 years older than her not that lot but its danny he would kill me!

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