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*Robin's POV*
I woke up to Roland bouncing on Regina and I's bed.
"Roland? What are doing?" I ask sleepily.
"TODAY IS CHRISTMAS!" He yelled making Regina wake up.
"Roland! You woke up your mother!" I scowled.
"I'm sorry mama. I'm just really excited! It's Jayden's first Christmas, and Henry is coming home!" Roland said.
Regina giggled and got out of bed.
"Roland go wake up Aunt Emma and Uncle Killian." I said.
Roland ran out of the room and then Regina and I heard screaming.
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?" It was Killian.
I laugh and get out of bed. I put on my Christmas sweater and jeans and walk into Jayden's room where Regina is changing her into a santa onesie. I wrap my arms around Regina's waist and kiss her cheek. Little Jayden smiles a toothless smile.
"So how are my two girls doing this morning?" I asked.
"Well this little one was up and ready to go unlike me." Regina said picking up Jayden.
I kissed Jayden's head and we walked into the living room where Roland was annoying two sleepy Emma and Killian. Emma picked up Roland to contain him while Killian falls asleep on the couch. I laugh and Regina puts Jayden in her bouncer.
Then the doorbell rings.
"HENRYS HOME!" Roland yells making Killian scream like a girl and fall off the couch. I am now dying of laughter and then Henry walks threw the door holding Roland.
"Hey y'all! I brought presents!" Henry said holding up a few bags with the arm Roland wasn't in. Roland jumped down from Henry's arms and ran to all the presents.
"Okay, you know the rules youngest first!" I said.
"Sissy goes first!" Roland said.
Roland grabs all of Jayden's presents and puts them in front of her.
Killian and Emma: Diapers
Henry: I love my Big Brother onesie
Roland: One of his toy cars
Regina and I: Stuffed dog
Then Roland grabbed all of his presents excitedly.
Killian and Emma: Spiderman action figure
Henry: Legos
Regina and I: The whole Full House collection.
"YAY! I get to watch Full House all the time now!" Roland yells.
And Regina giggles.
Then Roland retrieves Henry's presents.
Killian and Emma: 60$
Roland: Sour Patch Kids.
Regina and I: 70$
The adults decided not to get each other presents but the girls had something planed for the boys.
"Killian, Robin close your eyes." And we did.
"Ok, open them." Regina said.
When we opened their eyes Regina and Emma where both holding pregnancy tests.
"YOUR PREGNANT! We both yell.

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