Middle school (a stony fanfic)

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AN: if I know you I wouldn't read this... (Nita that is for you) my second attempt of writing on here, I deleted the first because I didn't know what to do but I just thought I could try again... so enjoy. By the way this is gonna be depressing but it will get better its a teenage AU

Tony's POV

Day: August 18

Today was the first day, I saw a way out. Dear old dad found another few bottles of scotch and I payed a price. He beat me. Bad. I was on the ground, dazed, kicked, bruised and silent. He grabbed at my shirt but I was done with this beating. I rolled away and stood, he arm sung but I started to run the fastest my bruised and damaged body would take me. Tears were welling in my eyes but I wasn't going to stop, I couldn't.

I ran up the stairs, to my room and locked the door. I slowly backed away for the door till I reached the bed. I laid back and tears fell freely, I wasn't sad, I was numb.

Laughing, I heard laughing, Howard was at the bottom of the stairs it sounded like. "You're safe tonight, you bastard." I shuddered, "See you after school tomorrow, son." He made sure to put extra venom in the word son, I knew tonight I was free from him for now.

I took deep breaths, my mind being jabbed by a unsettling feeling, but it wasn't going away. I fell to the floor and reached for the picture under my bed. I rubbed my fingers over the frame, this picture was special, my best friend who had moved away, Pepper, took it with me. The frame was red and gold, my favorite.

I laughed to myself, I was so sentimental about this photo. I just really missed one of my two real friends. I wasn't really excited for the next time I end up seeing Howard, I would never call him my dad.

So I sat in my room unsure of what to do, then I looked out my window to the park that was a few streets away. Found a way out...

~~~~Steve's POV~~~~

I'm in some random park, it's kinda hard to tell where. It's dark and would be creepy if I had any shred of sense. Reason I'm here? I sketch when I think, I'm not that good but it helps me think. Moving from my hometown was kinda stressful but this is a nice area so lets give it a shot.

Holy crap. What is that? Wait is that... a guy? I see he is limping and carrying a duffle bag, a bum? No, not here. Before I can catch myself I'm walking towards him, when he hears me he tenses up, stops, turns around and examines me. He seems about my age, shorter but still pretty muscly. He has spiked brownish hair, a Metallica t-shirt, jeans and the more my eye focus I see bruises. Several bruises all over him, he was clearly beaten.

He finishes his assessment of me as soon as I am done with his. Surprisingly he smiles and asks "What's your name? I'm Tony."

I'm kinda flustered he has a nice smile and a few minutes ago I was worried he would kill me. I nod anyways and reply "Steve, and do you need any help? I mean do you need a place to stay?" His face lightens up at that he nods and I help him over to the bench I was sitting on earlier and I check the time, 2 am. Better get a move on then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2014 ⏰

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