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"Now how am I going to the ball?" She asked herself as she cried looking at the sky in her garden.

After a while something moved and swoosh! A fairy god mother!

"Who are you?" She asked curiously.

"I am your fairy god mother! I'll help you go to the ball!"


"Yes my dear! Let's start here!"

"Bipity bopity boo!"

"Wow!" Alexis said in surprise.

"Horses, Carriage, Driver, and a DRESS!"

Alexis torn dress turned to a beautiful blue dress magically.

"This is so beautiful! Thank you!" Alexis said smiling.

"Oh dear, it's nothing now you may go to the ball."

"Thank you!"

Just before she entered the carriage her fairy god mother stopped her. "Are those your shoes?" She asked.

"Their the only ones I have."

"Not anymore!" Her fairy god mother turned it into a pair of magically beautiful glass shoes!

"These are so beautiful!" Alexis smiled.

"Oh Nadine Alexis, you are beautiful, now your ready! Go to the ball! And be back by 12 because the magic only lasts for a limited time."

"I'll remember."

She waved to her fairy god mother than went off to the ball in her carriage.

Cinderis - JaDineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora