Garoth was siting next to aphmau I MISS SPRINKLE WAAAA garoth she's probably umm dead?? WAAAAAAA no no garoth it is not like that juat then zane comes up wow aph you as a cat ZANE DONT SAY THAT IN FRONT OF GAROTH wh~at umm nothing they both said at the same time but just then chad ran up wow were have you been WeEL i wAs DOINg SInTIfic WrOoK hEHE ok that was wird than katlin ran up CHAD STOLL MY LAPTOP AAA than travis ran up and hit her butt TRAVIS they kissed WOW then aphmau was a cat (sprinkles) than Aaron came over so travis was kissing katlin and garoth was squeezeing aph and Aaron and zane were runing into the sunshine and kiwy~chan was say THE SIPS HAVE SALLED YAYYYYYY
Than they all got married the end. ♡
( sorry it was short but i had something to do and ya so i hope you kinda liked it Xd)