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Niklaus flipped through the air landing on the soft grass standing straight up, he held his staff behind his back and looked to the boy across from him "Come on Ryan if you want to beat me your going to have to do better than that" Niklaus said raising his hand and taunting the boy. Ryan laughed and put his fist up a small golden hue radiated from them "Alright come at me and let's test who is better" Ryan said a smirk forming on his face. Niklaus laughed and a blue circle formed around his feet, the circle had Greek runes engraved in it as it spun the runes would change. "I'm pretty sure Hermes is faster than Apollo" Niklaus smirked and his body vanished from sight, Ryan looked around frantically trying to find the boy. Niklaus appeared to his side and swung his staff Ryan noticed the staff and quickly ducked it doing a back flip in the process kicking Niklaus. Ryan landed in a crouched position and Niklaus staggered back a few steps holding the arm that Ryan had just kicked "well that hurt" Niklaus said to Ryan, he looked down and saw his staff laying by Ryan's feet "hm guess I'll have to go old fashion" he said holding up his hand as a blue hue covered them, his body flashed from sight and reappeared in front of Ryan throwing countless punches that could not be seen by normal people's eyes. Ryan was able to block most of the punches but he missed a punch and it sent him flying across the field, He landed harshly on the grass groaning as he slowly sat up. In the distance he could see Niklaus's smug smirk "I'm sorry did I hit you to hard?" Niklaus yelled from the other side of the field Ryan growled and jumped up "fine if your going to use your speed then I'm going to use my arrows" he said holding his arms up in a position that looked like he was holding a bow. Ryan's hands began to glow and a Bow formed from pure golden light along with a single arrow Niklaus smirked you really think that's gonna hit me after last time you tried remember I'm faster than you" Niklaus crossed his arms and gave a smug look "I thought of that" Ryan said with a grin, he pulled the string back causing a golden aura to flare up around the arrow "Try this on for size one thousand arrows" he said and let the arrow go it flew through the air and then multiplied into a thousand arrows all flying at Niklaus "Hm that's new" he called out "alright lets test how fast I can really go" he said as the blue circles appeared on his hands and feet he dashed forward almost passing the speed of light picking up his staff and began destroying the arrows he destroyed all of the arrows and looked at Ryan's shocked face, He quickly flashed in front of Ryan and before he could react Niklaus dropped his staff and grabbed Ryan's arm flipping him over his shoulder and pinning him to the ground "you give up?" Niklaus asked the boy Ryan growled "yea yea just let me up" Niklaus laughed and got up pulling the other boy up as he did so. A lady wearing a black leather jacket black skinny jeans and combat boots with a Knight sword strapped to her back walked across the field to them, the boys looked at her and immediately stood at attention "Niklaus Davenport codename Hermes" she said as she looked at Niklaus she walked and stopped in front of Ryan "Ryan Zariah codename Apollo" she turned her back facing the boys "I am Kari Masaya codename Athena your new Instructor you may call me Kari , Kuro or Athena " she looked back at the boys the quickly nodded "Now the Council has deemed you to worthy of taking the Soul Keeper test and I am here to help you to Kurano's past this test " she turned and faced the boys "are you boys ready?" she asked with a small smile, both of the boys nodded quickly "then follow me your Trials begin now" she said walking across the field into the perish woods. The boys looked at each other before quickly running to follow their new teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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