Time's story

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Timothy was an ordinary kid. He usually worked in his father's Clock shop. It was hard work but Timothy got paid so he didn't mind it much. Timothy didn't have too many friends but his father said " It doesn't matter if you have one friend because that's plenty. If you have none you're a loner." Timothy had one friend named Eric. He didn't hang out with him to much but if they did they'd make every second count. Timothy usually wondered why Eric was always bruised up but he was scared to ask so he never did. Timothy had long dark brown hair,grey eyes,and wore a scarf all the time.

One day after working at his father's shop he had enough money to buy a skateboard. He been wanting one for a while so later that day he went to buy one. Timothy stared at the skateboards and tried to figure out which skateboard was right for him. Then he spotted one. It was a green skateboard with grey stripes. Timothy grabbed the skateboard and payed for it. He rushed home to get his helmet then he stopped by Erics house. When Eric came out his cheek was bleeding. Timothy quickly rushed home and got Eric a bandage and a tissue to clean up his cheek. After that Timothy went skateboarding with Eric and had a blast. "WOOOOOO!" Yelled Timothy. Eric smiled and said " YEA! THIS IS EPIIIIIC!" Eric went down a hill and Timothy followed. " I'm gonna crash!" Yelled Eric. Eric and Timothy lost control and crashed into a bush. " Ha ha! That was awesome! Let's do it again!" said Timothy. Eric laughed and picked up his skateboard. Timothy picked up his skateboard too. " Well I gotta get home Tim Tim." said Eric.

" I told you don't call me that." said Timothy. Eric laughed and messed up Timothy's hair." Timothy sighed and looked at the sunset. " Alright I guess i'll cya tomorrow." Eric waved to Timothy and went home. Timothy walked home and saw his father closing the shop. " Ey kiddo how was your day?" said Timothy's dad. Timothy looked up at his dad and said " It was great. I got a skateboard see?" Timothy showed his dad his skateboard. His father crouched down and said "That's very nice son." He gave Timothy a hug and they both walked home. Later that night Timothy could hear Eric's father Ben stomping on the ground. Timothy worried for Eric. Timothy tried to sleep but couldn't no matter how hard he tried. In the morning Timothy got ready for school tiredly. "Mornin son!" "Mornin dad." said Timothy. Timothy walked to Eric's house so they could walk to school together. Ben came out and picked up Timothy by his shirt. "Listen here don't EVER call the police on me YOU HEAR?" said Ben. Eric saw his father and said in a whisper "Timothy.." "Leave him alone dad" said Eric. Ben stared at Eric and growled. He threw Timothy on the ground by a tree. Ben punched Eric's eye and slammed the door. Eric walked toward Timothy. "Tim Tim you okay? I'm sorry about my dad." Timothy looked up and Eric saw tears stream down Timothy's face. Eric sat besides Timothy and hugged him. "It's okay." said Eric. Eric saw a little bit of blood by Timothy's arm. "Timothy um...your arm is bleeding." Eric grabbed Timothy's scarf and wrapped it around his arm. "Better?" asked Eric. "Better" smiled Timothy. The got to school and and walked to their lockers. Timothy said bye to Eric and opened his locker. When Timothy got to class he sat down and looked in his sketch book. "Hey look a GUY likes to draw or is he a girl?" Two boys said while they snickered. Eric walked in and sat 

next to Timothy. "They givin ya a hard time Tim Tim?" Timothy stared at Eric and said " Nah I'm alright." The bell rang and Timothy stopped drawing. " Good morning class!" said the teacher.

The bell rang for lunch and Timothy walked out with Eric. "Man i'm starving" said Eric. Timothy yawned and walked to his locker. "Cya at lunch!" "Cya!" said Timothy. Timothy opened his locker and put his sketch book away. "Look who it is it's the GIRL." One of the boys said. "Whataya want Kyle?" Said Timothy. "Nothing..." said Kyle. Timothy stared at Kyle and Eric showed up. " Oh hey look it's bruise boy!" Laughed Kyle. Eric stared at Kyle too. Timothy could see Eric having frustration in his eyes. "Uh Eric let's just leave?" Eric shook off the frustration and smiled. "Yea okay. I'm hungry as a wolf." laughed Eric. Kyle kept calling them names on the way. Timothy could see frustration coming back to Eric but finally Kyle went off with his friends. "FINALLY." said Eric. "Yea." Said Timothy. While they were walking Timothy tripped and slammed right on the ground. Eric helped Timothy up and said " You okay Timothy???" Timothy couldn't speak he didn't say one word he just stood there. "Tim Tim???" Eric shaked Timothy and all of a sudden his arm started bleeding more. "Uh Timothy?" Timothy snapped out of it and wanted to scream to he covered his mouth. He wrapped up his scarf around his arm again. Eric pat Timothy. "You'll be alright." said Eric. Timothy smiled and said " Yea i'm fine heh.." Later that day after last hour Timothy grabbed his backpack and his sketch book and headed to Eric's locker. While he was walking Kyle and his friends came around. " Oh look it's Tim Tim." said Kyle. Timothy stared at them with an angry look on his face. Kyle and his friends laughed and said " Ha! You look better when you're mad." Timothy pushed them out of the way and headed to Eric. Timothy bumped into Eric while he was speed walking. "Offf." said Eric. Timothy looked up,smiled and said "Hey sorry I was in a rush." "From what?" "Oh from Kyle." said Timothy. Eric tilted his head and shrugged. "So whatcha wanna do? It's friday afternoon." asked Eric. "Wanna go head to the park and skateboard a bit or we can watch movies at-" Eric interrupted Timothy and said " Your house your house." Timothy noded and they both headed out. "Wanna go to my house first?" asked Timothy. Eric shrugged in agreement. Timothy grabbed his skateboard then headed across to Erics. "My dad's not home. Good." Timothy headed in behind Eric. "Sorry it's a mess. My room is cleaner." said Eric. Timothy smiled and grabbed the lead while walking in Eric's room. "Cool room!" Said Timothy. Eric smiled and said "Thanks it's not great but hey it's mine!" Eric grabbed his skateboard and ran downstairs. Timothy followed behind. "Alright my house." said Timothy. Timothy went to his house with Eric and they stopped by Kyle. "Oh hey you guys look who's here!" said Kyle. Ariden one of kyle's friends stared at Kyle then looked to Timothy. "Oh heyo you guys." Said Ariden. Kyle gave Adrien a stare. "I uh mean LOSER." Said Ariden slowly blushing and turning his head away while holding his right arm with his left. Timothy stared at Ariden then looked at Kyle. "I'm just gonna go in.." said Timothy while grabbing Eric's arm lightly. "Hmf... let's go Adrien." Adrien started at Timothy and Eric walking in. His blushing was gone but he felt a bit sad for saying that. "Alright.." Said Ariden. Timothy slammed the door and grabbed his skateboard. Eric smiled then laughed. Timothy looked over and said "What?" "Ariden I feel so bad for him he's alright I mean I dunno him but he's cool. Kyle is so cheesy sometimes ha!" Said  Eric still laughing his head off. Timothy smiled and they walked out the door, both glad to see Kyle gone. Later on around four o'clock Timothy and Eric walked to Timothy's house to watch a movie until Ben Eric's dad was standing outside Eric's house. "Oh god..." said Eric. Eric started to shiver and stared at Timothy. "It's okay..i'll see you later? Stay strong!" Said Timothy. "Okay...thanks." Timothy and Eric hugged. "C'mon worthless peice of trash!" Said Ben hitting Eric's head. Timothy started debating if he should call the police or not. Timothy walked home and saw his dad was home. "Hey kiddo!" Said Timothy's dad. "Hi..." Timothy walked up stairs and shut the door. He looked out his window to see if Eric was in his bedroom. After all Eric is across the street from him. He saw Eric laying on the floor with head bleeding. "Eric!" Yelled Timothy but Eric didn't hear. He tried again. "Eric!!!!" He yelled from the top of his lungs. Still he didn't wake up. Timothy's dad Christen came in and said "Timothy you okay son?" "Yea i'm okay.." Christen shrugged and went back down stairs. Timothy waited for Ben to leave the house. Timothy stared at the window for an hour till he finally left. Timothy grabbed his jacket and some bandages and zoomed out the door. He ran in Eric's house and ran to Eric's bedroom. "Eric!" Timothy went by Eric and patched up his head. "I dunno if I should call 911...I dunno if you're okay though.." Some blood got on Timothy's hands. Timothy sighed and waited for Eric to wake up. He put a pillow under his head and put a blanket on top of Eric. He got up and went to see if there was anything in the fridge for Eric when he wakes up. Timothy saw a sandwich in the fridge but it was all moldy. "Ew..." Timothy grabbed his wallet out of his jacket and ran out the door to his house. His dad was watching tv so Timothy sneaked into the kitchen. "Uh...let's see." Timothy spotted an apple and he grabbed it. "This will do!" He grabbed a plastic knife to cut the apple and ran back to Eric's house. Timothy heard a noise and it was Ben's car. "Shiz." Timothy ran up to Eric's room and heard Ben opening the front door. "C'mon Eric wake up please." Timothy heard Ben walking up so Timothy hid under Eric's bed. "Trash." said Ben. Ben grabbed Eric by the hair and that seemed to wake Eric up. Eric held in his scream and started to cry. "Worthless stupid kid." Ben threw Eric to the wall. Timothy stared at the fighting,he wanted to cry. "Wait...my plastic knife." Said Timothy in a whisper. Timothy grabbed his plastic knife and wiggled out from under the bed. He saw Ben beating up Eric's arm.Timothy got up and ran toward Ben with his plastic knife. Ben stopped beating up Eric and Eric dropped to the floor. Timothy stabbed Ben's arm but the plastic knife broke. Timothy stared, the knife didn't even leave a scratch. "Uh...heh." Said Timothy. Ben growled and grabbed Timothy by the neck. "Hah you're worthless too. A weak little thing." said Ben with an evil smile. Ben punched Timothy's neck and Timothy coughed up some blood. Then he grabbed his knife and cut Timothy's face. Ben finally left them alone. Timothy woke up and stared at Eric laying there. Blood all over. "Ugh..." Timothy made his way toward Eric and poked him lightly. "Eric.....?" Eric woke up and stared at Timothy and put his hand on Timothy's face where the cut is. Timothy gave a weak smile. "I'll call 911 your gonna be okay." said Timothy. Timothy managed to stumble up but Eric grabbed Timothy's arm. "W-wait don't say who d-did this. Please..?" said Eric. Timothy stared and gave a soft smile. "Okay but why?" Eric started crying and Timothy wrapped his arm around Eric and hugged him. "I just...I remember when my dad wasn't so mean ya know? After my mom died my dad became harsh on me and beating me and...I just maybe if i did what I was told I would've seen my old dad again but..I was wrong." said Eric. Timothy sighed and gave Eric a warm smile. "You never have a sad face ya know Tim Tim?" said Eric. Timothy giggled a bit and grabbed the

phone. He called 911 and they rushed over. A few minutes later Eric was rushed to the hospital and so was Timothy. "So does it hurt here?" said a nurse putting her hand on Timothy's hand. Timothy nodded and smiled at the nurse. "Hey um what's your name miss?" said Timothy. The nurse looked up and said "Linzy. What about yours?" said the nurse. "I love your name. My name is Timothy. Is Eric alright?" Linzy smiled. "He's doing alright he can go home today. We patched him up like on your hand and neck." An hour later Timothy waited for Eric to be done. Eric finally came out with his eye covered with a bandage and his arm too. "Hey Tim Tim!" Eric said. "Hey! How ya feelin?" said Timothy. "I'm doin fine they patched my chest too which is cool." said Eric. "Excuse me. Can we call your parents?" said Linzy. Eric and Timothy stared at each other and ran for it. "HEY GET BACK HERE!" screamed Linzy. After a block or two Eric and Timothy stopped to breathe and they both laughed. Timothy stared at Eric and Eric looked up. "Hey what's wrong bud?" said Eric. "You wanna stay at my place or will your dad get um well mad..?" Eric looked at Timothy and said "I'll stay at your place I don't care anymore. Lets face it he's never coming back again." "Your well dad's old self?" asked Timothy. Eric nodded with strength in his eyes. "Well it's getting pretty late let's go to my place we can watch a movie! It's been a long day." said Timothy with a smile on his face. As they walked to Timothy's house Eric spotted Adrien. "Look..." whispered Eric. Timothy squitened. "Oh my god." Timothy and Eric rushed inside Timothy's house. "What time is it Tim Tim?" asked Eric. "Uhh lemme see." Timothy went to the kitchen and stared at the clock. "WOW OKAY THEN. It's two AM." Eric stared at Timothy and said " Movie anyways?" Timothy ran upstairs and looked in his movie box. "The Lion King?" "YES!" said Eric. "Wow okay jeez." Timothy laughed. Eric spinned in circles while Timothy put the movie in. "Ready?" Timothy said. Eric ran down on Timothy's bed and Timothy sat on his bed. A few minutes later they fell asleep. Hours later Timothy's dad rushed in. "Timothy. Eric."Timothy woke up and stared at his dad. "Yea?" said Timothy. "Wake up Eric and meet me in the kitchen okay?" Timothy got up and woke Eric up. They both walked down stairs and Ben was staring at them both. "Eric we're going home." said Ben. Eric stared at Timothy started to cry and ran out of Timothy's house. Timothy ran after him. "Heh kids right...?" said Charlie. Ben stared at Charlie and stayed silent. "Eric! Eric? ERIC??" yelled Timothy. "Over here..." said Eric laying in a barn. "I don't think we can stay in here..." said Timothy. "I don't care." said Eric. "Did I hear something?" said a voice. "Get down." said Eric pulling Timothy down in the hay. 

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