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Symptoms: The power to feel if danger is near, know who is lying and know about the fears of others.

Incantation: In order to successfully cast this spell, you must spend one year without sleep, drink only butter beer and carry a Frogopiper in your pocket for that time span.

After that is accomplished, speak the incantation: Phusikosia!

Recommended Wizarding Level: In order to be able to cast the spell, you have to do a lot of things which might hinder you from any other activities (the absence of sleep for the span of a year can make even the most powerful of wizards terribly week). Any wizard can try this, from first year onwards, but only a few survive the process.

Side Effects: Of course the lack of sleep for a whole year is fatal. The daily consumption of Butter beer can also lead to extreme intoxication, the change of your physical appearance (one eye may become yellow while the other stays brown) and the extremely rapid growth of the belly. Frogopipers also tend to vomit stomach mucus and acid, tending to dissolve their owners, so it will not at all be pleasant for one to reside in your trouser pocket.  

(Crucial) Advice: In some circumstances the spell does not work even after the witch or wizard has endured the test.

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