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Hi I'm Jade in case you didn't know I love the show make it pop if you haven't heard of it it is really funny and it does cliffhangers which is annoying sometimes but it's good the next chapter we will meet them
There's are freshmans
Sun hi is the diva
Jodi is the fashionista
Corki is the smart one / bookworm
Caleb is the DJ and really clumsy
Linc is a guitar player
Darmala  is a drummer (  A/N I don't like Darmala he ruined jaleb ) 
Alex is a keyboard player

These are seniors
Jared is popular and annoying with his chin
Valerie is the head cheerleader and popular
Heather is a cheerleader and popular (A/N I don't like heather she ruins jaleb too )
The adults
Miss diona is the principle
Mr stark is the resident advisor and drama teacher
Heg Jung co is Jodi and Alex's boss ( I will mention her later on )

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