One Shot/Drabble

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Hey y'all.
This is dedicated to KAYLLAAAAA because she's my bae who deserves all the happiness in the world.
I dont deserve your kindness babe.
Is it creepy to watch someone sleep?" Marcus asked himself as he stared adoringly at the sleeping figure next to him. She was beautiful, as always, but her closed eyes and relaxed body made him forget for a moment all the horrible things that they'd been through. They had come back Polis last night and Abby had asked if she could stay with him, knowing she provably would've had nightmares without him.
"Has anyone told you that it's creepy to watch someone sleep?" Abby murmured,as she slowly opened her eyes and stretched.
"Well you're the first woman I've shared a bed with so, no. "He chuckled and pushed away a hair from her face.
"Glad to know that" She smiled and kissed his nose. She tried to get off the bed but Marcus pulled her close to him and kissed her lips.
He put his hands on her hips to make sure she didn't get out. She pulled away and pressed her forehead to his.
" We have responsibilities, Marcus. Besides you have a bad case of morning breath."
He gasped at what she had said,let go off her hips and she quickly slipped away from his grasp.
"I do not!" He argued and grabbed a pillow that he threw at her. It hit her in the back and she turned, her competitive side showing as she grabbed the pillow off the floor and threw it back at him. It hit him in the head and he faked being hurt. She giggled as he jumped off the bed off the bed and ran in her direction. He picked her up on his shoulder as she yelled "Marcus let me dooowwnnn." He ignored the pain from the scars on his hand and dropped her on the bed.
"I'm gonna get you back for that Abigail." He smirked and started tickling. She laughed, and thrashed around.
"Marcus, Marcus, I can't breathe." He stopped, let her catch her breath and pressed his lips to hers.
"What were you dreaming about?" He asked a few seconds later as she layed on his chest.
"It was a good dream, about you actually." She smirked and got up once again. This time she made it to the door without him stopping her.
"Oh really? What was happening?" He winked in her direction and she chuckled.
"Wouldn't you like to know." She grabbed her jacket then stopped. She had noticed the bandages on his hands,as he was putting the pillows back in their places, and all the memories from the City of Light came rushing back.
Marcus's eyes followed hers and he realized what she was looking at.
"Abby--" But it was too late, she had already slipped out of the room.
He immediately rushed after her. She was standing straight, too straight for it to be normal. It was the façade she put on when she wanted everyone to think everything was okay even if it wasn't. The hallways of Arkadia were empty and he saw a broom closet a few feet away. He caught up to her,grabbed her wrist and pulled her in with him.
"Marcus! What are you doing?!" The door closed behind them and he stood in front of it.
"Abby, this" He showed her his hands and the pain in her eyes became obvious, " wasn't your fault. This wasn't you. It was ALIE. You did not hurt me, I know that you didn't because the Abby Griffin I know would never do that. Yes, she might've looked and felt like you but it wasn't you. You are the kind, selfless and courageous woman I fell in love with. I understand what you feel, parts of me blames myself for Bellamy and everything else I've done when I was in the City of Light but I also know that it was ALIE's doing. I will tell you everyday, show you everyday how much I love you and how much I forgive you if I have to but I--"
Abby's lips were pressed against his. They tasted salty from the tears running down her face. She slipped her hands in his hair and he pulled her closer.
When they ran out of breathe, Abby pulled away, looked at him straight in the eyes and whispered
"Maybe we don't need forgiveness, maybe we just need each other."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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