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9:45 pm
Im sitting in the living room of my sisters apartment as she hangs with a belt around her neck which is tied to a pipe sticking out the ceiling, drinking a half and half and still not drunk enough to cut her down, its been two hours and iv been sitting on the couch reading the last note she ever wrote, the suicide note, iv read it over and over "Dear Jason, im sorry you have to see me like this but I couldnt take it anymore, he told me it was my time and I did it, please dont blame yourself for this but you must have knew this day was coming, just know that I love you and dad, please tell him I'll be fine and that I will be back soon. With love, grace, p.s. Please dont be here when he comes to get me, he will be here at 10:00 tonight xxx...." read every line maybe over eighty times....shes schizophrenic but took the pills, she always talked about him....HIM.... Never gave me or anyone a description about "him" but all she told us about him was his eyes, that they looked like owl eyes that never blinked, she never made any sense at times but was never a liar, never, not my sister.
9:50 pm
As kids I was always looking out for her even when she was the oldest of us, mom always said to watch over her, I did just that and protected her from any other boy or girl who tried to bully her. She had a smile though, man she could really smile, but even than she talked about "him" and his owl eyes, how he was always watching over her while she slept, I never saw anything but I did this one time when we were watching TV, Saturday morning cartoons, grace loved her cartoons.

It was raining and thunder out that morning and the living room was dim, with both of us infront of the TV, the lights suddenly went out and in the glare of the TV I seen me and graces reflection but beside her was someone kneeling behind her, I got scared and told my parents but of course with me being a kid they didnt believe me, I always wondered why she was always so calm in the most scariest situations as a kid, she was braver than me.... But thats grace for ya....
9:55 pm
I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes and drank a 26 of vodka and still dont feel drunk enough to bring my sister down from her suicide, owl eyes will be here soon supposedly, I finish my last cigarette and take out my pocket knife, stand up the chair she used to kick from under herself, I step up and holding back my tears as I cut the cheap leather and she falls limp under my arm and slowly ease her down and onto my lap as I hold, hugging my lovely sister, shes so cold but still looks so pretty, I brush her hair over her ear, stroking the side of her cold face "hmmm mmm mmm....hmmm hmmm mmm" I hum a song our mother sang to us when she would put us to sleep, she likes that song alot, she always hummed it everytime I slept over cause she knows I miss hearing it from mom, it was always comforting but now its my turn to comfort her, my poor sister is cold so I drape my jacket over her, combing her hair with my fingers....
Finally more tears fall from my eyes, and in those tears are more memories of us....in our teen years I came home one day when mom and dad were out amd grace was painting in the living room, she always loved to paint, I stumbled in through the door and fell on my side bloody and bruised, grace came around the corner and immediately cried, picked me up and set me in her lap just like how I have her now.

She held me as she brushed my hair behind my ear just like I did, and she held me tight and hummed how I was doing it, she held me there for almost two hours while I was fading in and out of blackouts, she knew I had been beaten up, but she held me and hummed that while time till one of my parents got home.... I never ever forgot about that day, she didnt know what to do but she did what she can and thats all I needed....
9:59 pm
All the reminiscing of me and my sister and all the crying. I am weary and tired, I cant keep my eyes open but owl eyes will apparently be here soon....im drifting between dreams and reality with each blink, my breathing gets steady....I fall asleep.... I slip into a dream of me and grace sitting at the cafe just like yesterday, we are laughing at the funny things dad did and laugh even harder at what mom said, she looks so beautiful whike the wind blew through her hair as she smiles that beautiful smile, she makes the day so much brighter with her grin....I feel so warm....I suddenly wake up and shes gone, grace is gone from my arms, I stand up quickly and run around the apartment, screaming her name, the front door is open and I run down the hall and down the stairs and out the front door into the middle of the street, I stop and cant believe my sight, shes standing with owl eyes
In the middle of the road holding his hand smiling that smile, I blink and she further away, I run towards her and blink again and shes even further, again and shes further again and I stop holding my eyes wide open, afraid to blink once more "goodbye grace, I love you" she hears me and waves happily, close my eyes slowly once more and she's gone....take care of my sister owl eyes, see you soon grace....see you soon....

The end

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