Grey Eyes (ON HOLD)

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5:59 am is when it started.

I can't remember what else went on that day, whether if it was sunny, or if I packed my lunch (which I do, but end up throwing away due to copious amounts of cheese).  But what I do remember I will never forget; forever and always.


I wake up this morning a minute before my alarm was to go off.

More sleep was the only thought my brain could muster in its sluggishness.


Sleepily, I hit the flashing alarm button and groggily sit up in bed, rubbing away crusted sleep. Still only half awake, I trudge down the hall to the bathroom, cussing as I trip over last night’s debris.

After finishing my shower, I feel a bit more awake, so I precariously tie my wet hair into a ponytail before walking back to my room. Searching through my cupboard, I finally find my school uniform, which I yank over my head with enough force to rip holes – and I have done it. Twice.

By this stage it's 6:30am.

I scramble into the kitchen upon realising the time, to scoff down a meagre bowl of cereal.

No time for an early morning run; might have to leave it to this afternoon.

Quickly, I rush into the bathroom and hurriedly brush my teeth, being cautious not to make my gums bleed.

Careful not to wake my sleeping family, I pack my bag with God knows what food, and I slip through the front door. All I can think is that I am finally out of the house, and that I now have plenty of time to get to school. So I set off walking up the road, whilst fumbling around with my earphones.

I should create a detangling spray for earphones. It would make life so much easier.

After considering this new and innovative thought, I turn down the last corner and start to climb the steps to the train station platform. Lazily reaching the platform, I go and sit down in my usual spot, near the 3rd last carriage, which is where my friend will be waiting for me on the train. I realise that I have plenty of time to kill before my train comes – about 20 minutes actually – so I decide to open Wattpad and read some fanfiction.

Just as I am finishing the last sentence of Chapter 4, I see something flash in the corner of my eye, sparking a slight interest.

 Turning to see what had intrigued me, I find a boy of around 17 looking my way.

Ooft. He is good looking, I say to myself as I stare at his nice profile.

I turn away quickly, so he doesn’t see my creeping blush.

I wonder if he has a girlfriend – snap out of it!

Does he have nice abs? I wish I could find out– stop with the thoughts already!

I bet I look really ugly, wait, let me check – no you don’t. You are NOT moving.

Battling my internal thoughts, I raise my attention to the incoming train.


I start to stand up and I see the guy that was looking at me walking towards my carriage.

Shit, shit, shit.

I fidget around awkwardly, sneaking a few looks at Mystery Boy.

Argh crap. My palms are sweating. 

Just as I think I’m going to have a panic attack from being within a few metres of this boy, the train doors open and I let out a silent sigh of relief.

Thank the Lord.

I quickly get onto the train, walking rather hurriedly over to my friend, away from the boy who had sudden influence over my emotions.

When Taylor saw me, she gave me a slightly unfocused look, as if she were feasting her eyes on something behind me. By this stage, my heart had returned to a somewhat normal rate.

“Who is that gorgeous boy over there?” Tay asks in an audible whisper.

“Oh him, uh, I dunno” I utter.

“I wonder if he has a girlfriend and if he doesn’t, he could be mine–“she wonders dreamily.

“No Taylor, don’t start getting those thoughts. We don’t even know the first thing about him! Why all of a sudden does he start catching this early train so late in term? And what if he is a homicidal killer? Who knows? He might be using his charm to lure in girls like us and – “But Taylor interrupts me before I can go on any further,

“Yeah fine. Whatever. It was just a thought” she snaps back,

“But then again, I think nearly every female in this carriage is thinking those same thoughts too.”

To my dismay, I look around and see that Taylor was right. Every female in the carriage, and a few in the next carriage, are craning their necks to get a good view of this Mystery Boy. Their eyes had this slightly crazed look about them, as if they were about to pounce onto their succulent prey.

Yes, he does look succulent.

I shake my head, trying to get these hormonal thoughts out of my head. No one ever made me feel this way, and I wasn’t going to let someone way out of my league get the best of me.

“Whatever. He is just a guy – who really cares about him. He might not even catch this same train again.”

With this final thought, I notice that the train was pulling in at the platform. As I start to stand up, I still see that every female’s eyes are glued on Mystery Boy, and before I know it, everyone – including Tay – is racing to stand close to him before he gets off.


With many disgruntled ‘excuse me please’ and the odd push, I finally force my way to stand next to Taylor. As soon as I do, the train doors open and she is off like a shot, trying with everyone else to keep up with Mystery Boy.

She will wait for me at the top of the stairs. She always does.

So without further-a-do, I join the crowd flooding off the train, and monotonously flow up the steps.

After a few minutes of searching, I find Taylor standing rather impatiently near the ticket barrier. When I move closer to her, her face seems to be hiding something, as if she has a plan brewing.

Uh oh. That wouldn’t be good.

I warily approach her, with a question already forming on my lips,

“Tay, why does it look like you are hiding something?“ I ask cautiously.

I wait a few seconds before she finally cracks,

“Liana, you do know that I love you to the moon and back right?” she starts sweetly.

I nod slowly.

“Well,” she said equally as slow, “would you do something for me, please, it’s not that hard. Just promise that you will do something for me?”

I hesitate and then reply “Yes, but just as long as it doesn’t involve something that will kill me or make my parents kill me.”

Taylor laughs at my two concerns, but then tells me with a mischievous glint in her eyes,

“I want you to find out what Mystery Boy’s name is”.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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