Fall For You

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  • Dedicated to YOU<3

Hi everyone. So This is the first story that I'll be publishing on this wattpad. COMMENT VOTE AND FAN! PLZ PLZ PLZ! <3


Summer. Best time of the year. Fianally it's here and I'm bored. It sucks. It's better that school but I don't know what to do. I'de call my friends but most of them are off on vacation unlike me who is stuck here at home, alone. My parents are in L.A. for "buisness". My dad is a movie director and my mother is an actor. Usually I get to go with them but this time I have to stay here. The worst of it is that they think I am too young to stay alone so I am living with my friend Alethia until they get back. Alethia is my best friend and has been since preschool. Now we are Juniors in high school and still just as close. I would be hanging with her today but she got a job and is now working the hot dog stand at a theatre.

I'm sitting in my room on a fuzzy pink bean bag. I would usually want to stay there and relax for a while but I don't feel like sitting around today. I fianally get up and go put my bikini on. Since I am staying in a beach house I might as well use it as an advantage. My bikini is black and strapless and plain. On the bottoms it has a bright purple and pink belt. I grab a towel and go out into the garden. It is full of roses and tulips and all sorts of beautiful flowers. Alethia's house is super nice, I have to admit it. Mine is beautiful too. Although it is in the city a couple miles from here. It is huge but it seems to loud and bright. Here it is nice. I am usually loud and bright but after a while you rather live in a place like this but is that how the people who live like this feel about the city?

I walk through the garden to where the grass and flowers meet the soft sand. I take my plain blue sandles off and walk down the beach towords the water. It's about 2 in the afternoon and there is a light breeze blowing against my back. Luckily I don't see anyone else on the beach so I get it all to myself. I find a spot about halfway between teh blue waves and the garden. I spread my towel out and lay down on my stomache on it. I dig my fingers into the sand. I pick up some of those chunks of sand that are stuck together but really thin and fun to break. I have to lift it carefully or it will crumble. I pick little pieces off of it and then rib them inbetween my fingers. I watch the indivisual grains of sand fall back to the ground. Everything seems so peacefull and quiet. My towels so soft and............WHACK! Something hits my back. I jump up and look around for what hit me.

There is Gabe holding the red white and blue beachball that hit me with a big smirk across his face. Gabe is Alethia's older brother. He is also super hot. He has hazel green eyes and dark brown hair that always seems to swoop one dirction. It always looks tousled but in a hot way. He is wearing green swim trunks and standing there scanning me up and down still with that stupid smirk across his face. "Look Gabe!" I point at the ocean and then  run at him and jump on his back, tackeling him into the waves. We fall into the semi- warm water. He stands up and grabs me. He swings me over his shoulder like a sack and wades deeper into the water. I laugh and strugle at the same time. "Let go! Let go!" Fianally he stops when my face is almost under. He sets me down. The water goes up to about my shoulders. He looks down at me for a minute. I take a step closer and then spash him in the face. He jumps back then wipes the water from his eyes. He smiles at me "Oh it's on!"

I smile back right before he nails me with what seems like a whole wave of water. I splash him back and then he splashes me back. I jump up and put both of my hands ontop of his head and then push him under. He grabs my waist and pulls me down with him.

When I'm underwater all I can think is too get back up so I do. I wipe the water from my eyes and push my hair from my face. Then I remember that I just dunked Gabe and he is obviously gonna get revenge so I run for the shore as fast as I can. I grab my towel and run for the house not daring to look back.

Fall For YouWhere stories live. Discover now