Welcome to 'Hopeful Graphic Shop'!
hye guys~ so i decided to make a graphic shop. I am not a pro one :3
This shop is more like express type meaningㅡi dont take a lot of time making it. depends on your request ^^Rules:
1: Please be detailed.
2 : Be patience ^^ sometimes internet are just so lagg.
3 : password [beautyhoseok]
4 : Please credit it to me by dedicate one chapter or mention me ^^Forms:
Title -
Cast -
Genre -
*Mood -
*Colour -
*Quotes -
Summary -
Author -
Password - (must be included)
**no need if theres none.
I accept comments and private messages.
these are some of my collections:
Thats all i guess...so happy requesting ^^
▶ Hopeful Graphic Shop ◀
Randoma simple and fast graphic shop ^^ 定义另一个美女 : JHS [OPEN]