~Taehyung Husband Imagine~

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Requests from my friend White Rose

You let out a sigh as you entered the empty house. It was quiet and lonely like it had been for almost 3 months now. Your husband Kim Taehyung, also known as V, had been on tour with the idol group he was in.
You made sure to call him everyday when you cam home from work in the evening. You couldn't wait to get home just to hear is voice; but this time it was a little more serious. You had something to tell him but you dont know how to say it. You were only two weeks pregnant with your first child. You had to tell your husband, who is in another country, that hes going to be a father. You feel a little excited about telling him. You decide to call him to check on him and tell him that you made it home. You dial his number and wait for him to pick up. No answer. You try again. Still no answer. After a third try you get a little worried. He always has his phone with him. "Hes probably sleeping or really busy. He'll call me tomorrow." you think to yourself. Suddenly you hear the lock on front door click open. A wave of panic washes over you but it instantly is replaced with joy. You greet your husband with a bug hug as he enters the house. "Tae~!! I had no idea you were coming!" "Surprise~!" He says with a huge grin. He kisses you sweetly. As soon as he unpacks everything the two of you cuddle and talk. "I missed you so much. How was work today?" "Fine." You answered. You knew that not everything was fine. You still had to tell him the news. You just didnt know how. You didnt know if he would be happy or not. Teahyung brought you out of your thoughts. "Honey? Is everything ok? You looked a little sad. Is there anything you wanna talk about?" "U-umm... would you be mad if I told what I have to tell you..?" You ask nervously. "Depends on what it is." He says laughing a little. You hit him on the arm. "Tae!! This is serious!!" "Ok then tell me." There was silence for a few seconds until you broke it. You look him in the eyes and say "Im pregnant." Your husband looked at you with a look of shock and confusion. "What?! Are you serious!??!!" His face is lit up with sudden joy. He pulled you in for a tight hug. "I cant believe it!! Why would I be mad?! Im so happy!!" You let out a sigh of relief. You felt alot better now that you told him. "Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked placing a hand on your stomach. "I dont know yet. But when I find out Im not telling you!" You say. He laughs and comes closer to kiss you.

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