Hi I'm kiley I have a brother and a sister konnor and kiera. kiera was born first then five years later me and three years later konnor. when I was three kiera was ten and konnor like a month or something old my parents split up because my dad said he had to go find him self I didn't really have a clue as to what was going on but other than that my child hood was pretty cool. it's been a long 13 years since I was born .
so there is a little about my child hood.
music: bvb, botdf, snow white poison bite, pierce the veil, sleeping with sierans, fall out boy, teen hearts, never shout never, catching your clouds, fit for rivals, several others the list goes on and on.
WHO AM I........
I know who I am but I don't know who I am........
does that make sense.....
I don't know
when do I ever Make sense
and there I go talking to my self.
I know what my name is kiley I Know what music I like I know when my birthday is August 6th.......
but I don't know what my purpose is, like I don't know what I'm going to do or what I'm suppose to do or were I'm going. May be I have super powers or some thing maybe my purpose is to save some one or something .
just live life
life take out the f = lie
ok from now on this is strictly a dream journal/diary/music journal/ day dreamer journal