Urban Legend #5

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In a city in Texas, children had been disappearing for a while, and the people blamed it on The Candy Lady. When children got older, they confessed that they had eaten a candy a supposed ‘Candy Lady’ had given them. The Candy Lady would lure children into her home with candy, where they were never seen again. She would put candy on the kids' windowsills signed “Candy Lady”, and after the children had received candy from her for a while, messages would start to be put on the wrappers usually saying “Come and Play”. After a while, police started investigating the children's disappearances, and a farmer found a rotten tooth of a child inside a candy wrapper at the edge of his farm. Police found a child's body with his eyes stabbed out with a fork and his pockets filled with candy. People believed that The Candy Lady kidnap children, stab their eyes out with a fork and pull out their teeth.

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