the history of the arva horse

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long ago on a stormy night in the royal barn the king's favorite mare gave birth to a filly whi was quite tiny and looked weak. All the palace was wondering how such a strong mare produce such a puny weakling as this. well the king hade two daughters the youngest was perfect weight and healthy, but was quite plain ugly. while the oldest tall,beautiful, and best student the kingdom hade ever seen was skinny,tinny and almost as if she never ate. well the king thought what will i do with such a wimpy horse. i would be ashamed if i ride it. i will give it to my daughter christin(youngest) to ride.she will be pleased to have her first horse. well when he gave her the horse she exclamed"this thing, this weakling for me the royal child!" now he felt ashamed even to have thought she would like it. thrn suddenly a voice came from the barn" father i will take her" oh darling my heir it would be a disgrace for me to give you this horse he replied" then in a tough,stern voice she responded"As heir to the thrown i think SHE IS WORTHY ENOUGH if my sister doesnt" she paused the continued she doesnt see this fillies potential she will be great. then she jade an idea father do we have any aru stallions? i have a plan to breed this valient mare with an aru stallion to make the greatest breed ever! so time went by and the created a breed with amazing abillities they could go 4 days without rest , could jump anything. thete only problem was the temper. which wad fixed by breeding in the gentle granger breed. these were brillent horses and one day Athena became queen and arwin at her faithfull side as if she was a dog. before her father died he asked he what will she name the breed she replied with"arva which is a commbimation of all the breeds."

And thats how the arva horse became!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2013 ⏰

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