Chapter 3--Seeing Stars

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Your POV

I hear beeping and smell that distinct hospital scent (you know that smell). I slowly open my eyes and look around the room. Bland colors cover the room. Beige curtains cover the windows and paintings of flowers are hung up on the white walls. I look down at myself and see that I'm wearing a pale green gown while laying under thin, white sheets. I've been in a hospital before, so everything is very familiar. Especially the fact that I can't remember why I'm here.

Then I realize that something is very different. A man, about my age, is sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, looking exhausted. He is wearing a strangely familiar hat, though I can't recall where I've seen it from. 

Then I realize my head hurts. I reach up to touch it and feel what could only be stitches and a newly made bald spot on the back of my head. The memories of what had happened earlier come flooding in with a new rush of pain.

"Holy shit..." I mumble, gaining the attention of the man. He sighs in relief, stands, and walks towards me. 

"I'm sorry about this." he says to me with a thick accent.

"Wait, what? Who are you?" He laughs a bit before answering.

"I'm Sean, but you can call me Jack." His name sounds so familiar, too, and I feel like I've heard his accent a hundred times before. But I couldn't place it. He must have seen the look of confusion on my face, because he started to laugh again. That laugh...where have I heard it before? 

"I'm Y/n." A sharp bolt of pain suddenly hits me again and I gasp. Jack frowns as if he just saw that something was wrong. 

"Don't worry. The doctors said that you'll feel better and be able to leave later tonight." That was good, but I still had a bit of a problem.

"What's up with this lack of hair in this one spot?" I ask, mentally cringing at the strangeness of the question. 

"Well, they had to cut some of it off to be able to stitch you up." He said with the smile.

"Ugh. I'll be partially bald during PAX. Freaking great."

"You're going to PAX?"

"Of course! All my favorite 'people of the Internet' are going to be there." We both laughed a bit but then he stopped suddenly and looked at me, thinking.

"Here, this should help." He took his hat off, revealing a head of bright green hair. I stared at him as he placed it on my head. He winked at me and started to leave. "See you at PAX" he said. Then, he was gone.

 Holy shit this one is long. 452 words! What? Anyways, back to the story! Yay!  ~Nya!

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