The Fight

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It was a cold Winter's morning and I was sat upstairs in my dull, small and boring bedroom. I had just finished my English essay and was now listening to some music on my iPod whilst lying on my uncomfortable bed. It was 5 o'clock so tea would be ready soon. I then heard a shout, it was mum telling me tea was ready. I shouted
''Just a minute'' but she was too impatient to wait. Her voice echoed in my bedroom. I could hear my heart thump viscously in my chest. I dreaded to think what she would say next.
''ELIZA GET DOWN HERE NOW!'' Her voice bellowed. I quickly ran downstairs trying to hold back the tears what did I do wrong for her to get so angry with me. Slowly I opened the door and she slammed my tea on the table. Peas flew off my plate and onto the floor. ''SIT DOWN YOU IDIOT.'' Suddenly she slapped me right across my face. The pain ran through my whole body and my blood went cold. I then decided I had enough and couldn't stand it any more...

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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