Vanessa is an under the influence teen with a strict father. However, that doesn't stop her from doing what she wants when she wants, but when she meets Justin, the mature one out of her group of friends, she begins to see that her world doesn't rev...
Written: July 9th, 2016 (?) Edited: October 17th, 2016
My father looked at me, his face cold as if he knew. He did know, he always did. However, he didn't say anything as I gave him a warm smile. He simply looked at me, gave me a half smile and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box before excusing himself into the office. Sighing, I brushed back my hair and began to wash the dishes, not wanting to worry about another confrontation. A minute later I heard an engine start and a car drive off. I looked over my shoulder to simply see the office door open and a phone resting against my father's cheek and the crook of his neck.
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Justin watched as the girl pulled into a parking spot semi close to the school. The engine shut off and after a few seconds she emerged from the car. She slammed the truck door closed and locked the vehicle before placing her keys into crossbody bag. A small, longline sweater rested over the bag and her outdated blackberry was within her grip. She began to walk along the parking lot. Yesterday, she was beautiful to him and today she still was. A pair of maroon docs were on her feet along with ripped stocking. Her black crop top was paired with a floral high waisted skirt. To top everything off she wore a beanie. He took her in further more, her orbs appeared radiant today more than usual due to the lengthy mascara she wore. Her brows were filled in with precision and a plumping gloss caressed her lips. As if she knew someone was staring at her she met Justin's eyes. He cleared his throat and propped himself off of the column and waited for her. She stepped onto the side walk and hummed, a smile appearing on her face.
"Who's staring now, Guitar Dude?" She smirked, eyeing him as they walked into the school.
"Still you, Van." He smirked back, nudging her shoulder.
"Whatever." She stated, shaking her head. Justin huffed and fixed his backpack that rested over one shoulder.
"Thanks for inviting me over. I enjoyed myself." He started.
"No, thank you for keeping me company. I may get a mouth load for it, but it was worth it." She nodded.
"I shouldn't have invaded. I was just there already and I wanted to check on you." He shrugged. A soft smile appeared on her face and her cheeks became flushed.
"I appreciate it. How was the gelato?"
"The melted mango slushy? It was alright." He joked. Arriving at the end of the hallway, Vanessa stopped.
"This is my homeroom so I guess I'll see you at lunch? We can walk to Mr. Hunt's class together if you want." She rambled, fixing the strap of her crossbody. Justin peeked into the room that held a few of his peers. Some laughed while others did work or whatever they pleased.