Here, Cassie, you said you wanted to read this. So...enjoy I guess.
The first thing to be heard was a deafening scream and multiple hits of flesh in the kitchen, leaving a strange girl dead in the corner room, covered and soaked in her own thick, sticky blood. She had long, dark, stringy hair that reached halfway down her back and sad gray eyes. She wore a torn white dress and I knew exactly who she was. The walls were splattered with her blood and the room smelled like salt and rust. The last thing I heard was a whisper.
I woke up rather suddenly, my eyes were bloodshot and tired. What was that?
I shot out of bed in my tank top and sweatpants, my throat was clogged from decongestion and allergies, and my heart was pounding, heavy in my chest. I raced though the maze of halls in my house and barged through the kitchen door.
No one was there. My mom was at work and I was an only child. The cream-colored walls were clean. I licked my lips. They were cracked and dry and tasted like metal. Of course they did. I never bothered to hydrate myself as much as the next guy.
My alarm went off on my phone in my bedroom. I checked the time on the microwave. 5:59 AM. Thursday, September 22nd.
I ran into my room and grabbed my jeans and tee shirt.
I hated waking up early, and I always had the habit of falling asleep right after my alarm went off, but I woke up almost screaming so I had some time to get ready instead of running around. I'm usually fully awake during period five, but recently I've had nightmares about anonymous murders and deaths so I can never go back to sleep.
I strolled into the bathroom and pulled out the second drawer under the sink. Combing through the knots in my hair was the struggle of the morning. When I was younger, my hair was so silky and smooth, it was a dark shade of brown, so dark that it was practically black. But now, my hair is so heavily layered, and I can't put up my hair without half of it falling out. It's a little wavy at the bottom and poufy at the top.
I pulled out my makeup box and almost dropped and shattered it. I still haven't taken off the heavy eyeliner and mascara from last night, so I don't have much to work on today. I just have to clean up some smudges. It took a while, and it's already 6:20 but I think it was worth it.
The bell rang.
Another day at the worst school in the world.
The hallways were white and pale. I blended in so well with the lockers. I was practically a ghost. I was bullied because of that. I couldn't help it! It was in my genes. A lot of people called me a fake because it even looked like I put too much pale foundation or something on. Plus, it was the weather in August. Always cloudy, no sun, and non-stop thunderstorms. It was nice for a few weeks, I love thunderstorms, but it got boring after a while.
I was completely stressed out. I had a bad case of anxiety and bipolar/borderline personality disorder. I can't go in public without people staring at me, and people whispering and laughing into each other's ears, saying nasty things about me, or at least i think they're talking about me. My father was brutally slaughtered a year ago, bringing my heart with him plummeting into the ground. This leads me to my bipolar/borderline personality disorder. I mostly have bad days rather than good days but it fluctuates a lot. One moment I could be overly excited on my bed watching my favorite shows and eating a snack and within the next second I could be on the ground, thrashing my arms and legs everywhere crying all my makeup off. And I wear a lot of makeup.
I walked to my first class. Well, technically it's a class. Home room.
The bell rang again. I'm already late to home room. I slammed my locker shut, releasing a shatter that rung in my ears and down the empty hallways.
I raced down the halls, trying to find the damn room. According to my phone clock, I had two more minutes.
I turned a corner, and crashed into someone.
"Oh! Sorry...I should've been watching where I was..." I said. I was trying to collect all the books that were in my arms that fell on the floor.
"No it's fine...uh..." I recognized this voice. I looked up and saw James staring into my eyes, practically sucking out my soul. He had dark eyes and brown hair. We went to elementary and middle school together. We used to be best friends. We used to always get in trouble together for talking in class. We used to serve detentions together in separate rooms and text each other until it was over. But now it's like he's never ever known me before. We went out separate ways in eighth grade. I stayed at the middle school and he left. Now it's like we're strangers.
"Roes [Lin, Lee]." I said.
"Right. Sorry."
"No, it's fine. Not many people bother to learn my name."
" sound familiar..." James said.
Of course I sound familiar, damn it! I've know you for nine years.. I thought we were best friends, but apparently, I was never important to you.
"I've known you since kindergarten...I gotta go anyways." The bell rang just as I though it would and I walked in the opposite direction James did.
I walked in a long corridor when the halls flooded with students. Tall students hovered over the shorter ones, but one person stood out in the crowd. Just one person.. The one with dark brown hair. The one with a clean white dress. The one with the dull eyes. The one they call Sepond.
I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this story. I think I'm gonna kill James off. Idk
Which one do you prefer? Roes Lin or Roes Lee?