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Today, it is very special day for Aaron and Eric. Eric stood in front of mirror, wearing white suit. Eric was getting nervous as it is big day for him. Also he is happy as he is getting married to his perfect partner. His sister, Leona came in with a soft smile on her face. She is wearing ruby red dress.
"Are you looking for it" said Leona. Eric give soft smiles to his sister.
" I am so excited but nervous at same time" smiles Eric
" You will be fine, Eric. It's Aaron, you are getting married to. You love him too much" said Leona in calm voice

Then two beautiful pure white horses carriage arrive at Eric's house. Eric and Leona was surprised as they saw two beautiful white horses with crystal blue feathers on top of their heads. Footman open the carriage door for Eric and Leona. Eric and Leona get in the carriage and footman close the door after they got in. Then frontman gently whip the reins to get horses to move forward.

Two white horses traveling along the roads, heading toward the church. Soon they arrived at the church, Eric and Leona got off the carriage. Then they got to the door, they heard Father Gabriel tell everyone to rise and piano person start playing wedding tune. Leona walk with Eric down the aisle as Aaron was waiting at bottom with Father Gabriel and Daryl. Soon Eric got to bottom of aisle, Aaron give Eric a soft smiles. Father Gabriel ask Aaron best man Daryl and Eric's sister Leona for rings. Daryl give Aaron a ring first. Aaron put silver ring on Eric's left hand . Leona give Eric a silver ring to put on Aaron. Eric put the silver ring on Aaron left hand.
"Now you may kiss your groom " said Father Gabriel. Aaron and Eric kisses as all the guest cheer. Aaron and Eric walk out of the church with guests follow them. Then wedding photographer ask everyone to stand together. Then he also ask for Eric and Aaron family for other wedding photo. Then for last wedding photo, he ask for Eric And Aaron. After all photos been taken, Aaron and Eric went to horses carriage, they waved at guests as horses start walk away.

All the guests arrived at reception before Aaron and Eric arrive. Daryl and Rick was drinking champagne while waiting. Dj Carl was playing music in background to keep everyone entertained. Soon everyone went to find their names at the tables. Once they found their names, they took a seat. Aaron and Eric had arrived, everyone cheering as they walk in. Eric and Aaron sit at top table with Leona and Daniel on Eric side. Daryl and Jodie on Aaron side. Daryl grab a glass of champagne as he stand up. He gently tap the glass with spoon to get everyone attention
"Thank you for your attention. I want to say they are amazing couple. Eric is only one who can make Aaron smiles every day" said Daryl rise his glass to Aaron and Eric. Daryl sit down and Aaron stand up.
"Thank Daryl. I am grateful that you come along. I never met most beautiful man ever. You are my sunshine, star and my light to darkness I am once before. I want spend rest of my life with you. I always love you Mr.Raleigh"smiles Aaron. Eric smiles back at Aaron

Soon foods arrived at everyone tables and everyone start eating starter. Aaron and Eric are having conversation while everyone chatting away. After everyone finished their starter, couples of waitress came out to collect the bowls. Then main course came out. Everyone was having roast turkey while Aaron, Eric and Chester Dixon having vegetarian dinner. After that, they having a dessert, big chocolate cake with cream. Aaron feed Eric slice of cake.

after everyone eaten, some guests went to dance floor to have fun. Dj Carl put different music as possible. Then he ask two groom to dance. So Eric and Aaron went to dance floor. Dj Carl put on amazed by lonestar. Aaron and Eric dancing away on dance floor before it time for them to leave for their honeymoon. After Aaron and Eric leave, all the guests partying away

Aaron and Eric went to hotel to celebrate their marriage. Aaron open the bottle of champagne and pour into two wine glasses. He put bottle down, give wine glass to Eric who sitting on hotel king sized bed. Aaron join him with a soft smiles.
"I love you, Mr. Raleigh " said Eric
"I love you too, Mr Raleigh" smiles Aaron
After finished their wine, Eric give Aaron his gift. Aaron slowly open the box to reveal expensive gold watch. Then Aaron give Eric his gift. Eric open his gift to reveal a beautiful violin.
"I love you" said Eric
"I love you too. Going to Caribbean for our honeymoon" said Aaron. Eric smiles at his husband
"I can't wait" said Eric

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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