Chapter 12- One hell of a day

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Finally after a another freaking hour in drama we have gym! I have been dying to talk to Theo and he just avoids me everytime I try! So now that I am finished changing for gym I can go corner him and talk to him against his freaking will. I walked out of the changing rooms and spotted Theo immediatley of course talking to Tiffany and Tyson so I made my way over there and whne he saw I was coming he tried to walk away but Tiff and Ty held him.

i finally got over there and said "Theo just listen to me okay? Don't walk away from me when they leave."

He sighed and nodded.

Tiffany and Ty left and I said quietly "I know about what Ben said to you."

His gaze snapped to mine and he growled "Who told you?"

"That doesn't matter! What matters is that this is what Ben wants us to do he wants us to fight and break up so he can come after me when we are both most vulnerable! Did you really not see that connection or is it because you just don't love me anymore!" I snapped.

"L I still love you but that isn't what Ben wants!"

I rolled my eyes here we go I thought. "Oh come on Theo we all know thats what it is its only you who is too naive to see it!"

"Too naive? Lena I'm just trying to protect you!"

"But by trying to protect me your hurting me!"

"I'm not Lena I think I woul dknow whats best for you right now!"

"Just like you did in 9th grade or how about when you said violence isn't the answer to everything or by i don't know lying to me that nothing was wrong this morning before school! I don't need you to worry about me like I am some child you are not my father you are my boyfriend unless to protect me you can't be that either!"

Theo looked well shocked at what i said he probably thought that I wouldn't go that far but I was beyond pissed. But I wasn't done yet I looked him in the eye and said in a low voice "Or is it that you are to afraid to make the connection because you thought either way you would lose me."

"Lena I'm sorry I was just trying to protect you!"

"Enought of that bullshit Theo! I know you were trying to protect me but when you made that commitment those three little words to me I love you well, did you realize once you said it there would be no going back down the road that we are headed."

"Lena I know the commitment I made when I said it and I meant it I still do! And yes I thought I would have lost you either way but that isn't the point I know now I am not going to lose you unless you want me to let go."

I was beyond happy he said those things so I said back "Well I still want you but you are going to have to do some major ass kissing to get back onto good grounds with me."

He laughed and said "Thats my Lena." He hugged me and lifted me up and took me outside and set me down on a bench and said "I thought I was really going to lose you." And then kissed me with so much passion as our tongues danced and I let him take over since he had just won me back over.

I pulled away first and said "Just BTW you have some major ass kissing to do."

He grinned and said "As long as it yours any day."

I grinned and then blushed he chuckled and I said "I love you."

He kissed my cheek and said "I love you too so much."

I giggled and then said "Good because I want to skip the rest of the day and spend it with you."

He smirked smugly and said "I thought you's want to especially with these good looks."

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