Dear Mom

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Dear Mom,

     I am here but I don’t think you know yet. You are really sick and don’t know why. I wish you weren’t sick. You said you were going to the doctor soon to find out what’s wrong, I hope he tells you about me. I am really excited! I think that it is about time for you to know I am here.

     The doctor told you that I was here. You got really excited and you jumped and yelled a lot. I thought that it was really fun. Daddy went to the doctor with you and he was really happy too. You started to talk really really fast so I couldn’t understand what was going on, but I bet it was really exciting. You asked the doctor if I was a boy or a girl but he said he didn’t know yet. You went home and you started to rub your belly. I liked it a lot. You started talking about all of the fun things we will do. You said that we would move to a ranch and ride horses. What are horses?

     I listened to you sing today mommy. It was beautiful. I want you to sing all the time. Sometimes I love your singing so much that I start to move and jump. You say that I should be a dancer. You talked to your mom today; you told her about me too. She was really excited too. She touched your belly and I could feel it. She said she is really really excited to be a grandmother. She talked about how your Daddy would be happy too. What happened to your Daddy, Mom? You two went to a baby store and looked at clothes for me. You said that you hoped that I was a girl and you would name me Emily, but you would be perfectly happy if I was a boy. I’m glad that you want a girl.

     You don’t sing much anymore, Mommy. I hear what Daddy says to you. He is really mean. He doesn’t want me. Do you want me, Mommy? I hope I don’t make you mad too. He hit you and it really hurt you. I could feel it too. I don’t like him very much, but you still love him. He says that he will leave us if you don’t get rid of it. What is it?

     Mommy you are really sad. Why are you so sad? You don’t eat much anymore and I’m hungry too. Do you still love me? I hope you still do. You don’t talk to me anymore. Mommy I want to hear you sing again and I want you to rub your belly. I know Daddy left us but I’m still here for you. We don’t need Daddy. You don’t talk to Grandma anymore either. I wish I could help you Mommy.

     You told Grandma that you were going to the doctor soon to get rid of it. Maybe the doctor will also tell you if I am a girl or boy. I hope I am a girl. Remember you said you wanted a girl?

     You cried on the way to the doctor’s. What is wrong, Mommy? Are you sick again? The lady at the doctor’s office said that the procedure wouldn’t take too long and that you wouldn’t feel any pain. What is the doctor doing, Mommy? I just wanted you to know that I am very excited to see the horses, Mommy.

     You are very scared and sad Mommy. What is happening? I feel a pain all over my body, Mommy. Mommy, they’re hurting me. I’m scared. Stop them Mommy! There is a pain in my head.

     The pain stopped and I met a very nice man. He took me home and told me that I am going to be with all the other babies. He says it’s heaven. It is beautiful here, Mommy. I like it a lot. I can be with horses and I like to dance and sometimes I see you. You are still really sad Mommy. I want you to know that everything is okay and you don’t need to cry so much. I am with Grandpa now. He says he still loves you and he forgives you. He watches you and Grandma all of the time. He doesn’t want you to cry anymore. He loves me very much and takes care of me. He says I look just like you.

                                         With all of my love,

                                                                           Your daughter Emily.

(Sorry if this offends anyone or something. This is just a story I typed up for a project. Thanks for reading!! Bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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