Love Is A Four Letter Word-Prologue-

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"MADDIE GET BACK HERE!" Cassidy shouted as she chased her four year old sister. "I NEED THAT FOR MY DATE WITH RYAN!!"

Maddie stopped running. She started to giggle. "You mean that ugly guy you blush at?? Pffttt...I need this curler for MY date with Edward!" "You don't have a date you dummy, you're only four." Cassidy shot back.

"I can fall in love too! Love is a four letter word, and I'M FOUR!"

"Yeah, right!"


"You brat!" Cassidy snapped at her, then walked away. "OH, AND MAKE SURE YOUR "DATE" WITH EDWARD GOES WELL!" She called over her shoulder.

-The Next Night-

"Mommy!" Maddie shouted, "I'm in LOVE!"

"Really sweetie?" Her Mom asked as she picked her up, "With who?"


"Pfftt..yeah right!" Cassidy rolled her eyes at her younger sister. "Like YOU could ever fall in love..."

"Cassidy! To your room, now!"

"Yes, Mom.."

As Cassidy walked up the stairs Maddie's mother spoke to Maddie.

"Now dear, are you SURE you're in love with Edward?"

"Yes, Mommy! I'm SURE! And guess what??"


"We're getting married tomorrow!!"


-=+=- The Next Day..(Saturday)-=+=-

As everyone stood in the park the "priest" spoke. "I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Maddie didn't let him kiss her on the lips, so he kissed her on the cheek. "Wow, your cheeks are soft..." he told her.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next year, when she turned five, she and Edward got a "divorce". And that's how her "happily ever after story" began....

Guys, this was just a prologue, or whatever its called. So that's really short but whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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