Forbiden love

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Fanfiction don't get mad if things are spelled wrong please ! lea and dianna fanfiction !!! hope u like !

"Hello ?" I said wondering were I was cause I knew full we'll I wasn't in my room with my dads down stairs . "Lea is that you are you up ?" someone asked from the next room . " Im up but were am I ?" " O like you don't know !" your in your and Chrisis and sometimes nayas house !" said Diana I wish mine Diana under her breath . *ring , ring * " my phone !! " Said lea nearly .falling again . "ok see you soon Brody love you !" Diana's hart sank , she loved lea and wanted to be with her but didn't know how to tell her . even her mother had sat her down and asked her if she thought she was lesbian for lea . " Well I gotta go see Brody be back in an hour ." said lea as she opens the door . half way out she heard "I love you baby !" in a mumbled voice from Diana . Diana had turned around crying like she did so very often because of her feelings while lea ran to her turned her around and said three words that Diana didn't wanna hear "what the heck !" said lea so pissed " why have you kept this in you know your a bitch Diana ! " Lea said storming out of the door . Diana started to cry as chris came out of his bedroom " were is Naya and what was that ?" he asked as he looked up to see Diana was crying " o dianna what's wrong ?" I ... nothing ." said Diana remembering she hadn't told anyone about her being a lesbian . I wonder what lea is thinking

Leas point
"How could she do this to me !" Lea asked her mom since she had cancelled with Brody ." sweetheart I'm sorry to say this but you do love her . you want to be with her and your lesbian for Diana there is no dout in my mind that you don't love her !"Said leas mother. " mom ! how could you think that ? like really when have I showed that ?" asked lea ." well sweets you talk about her a lot and friends say I love you to each other so you over reacted thinking she knew you loved her . " Um gotta go bye mom !" said lea really mad at her mother . Once in the car lea started it and drove off " maybe I do love her . No no I don't ya I do talk about her a lot and I may of over reacted but me and her she hates me she wouldn't date .... " " O my god I love Diana !" said lea out loud .

Later that evening lea went to talk to Diana but Diana said she had to go some were . By the time Diana got home lea was on the couch sound asleep with a note book wide open on the floor , as she read she saw the whole conversation that lea had with her mom . " Why did she write this ?" Diana thought to herself as she read on . In tiny letters at the bottom of the page lea had wrote " I'm gonna have to learn that I LOVE Diana !" o my good this is the best day Diana thought to her self so exited she didn't even relize lea woke up ." why are you reading in my note book ?" lea asked very irritated at Diana " um I wasn't." said Diana droping the notebook and sitting in the chair " um we need to talk ." the both said in unison . there wasn't much talking just kissing and saying " I love you !" way too much . Not even five minutes after both girls were on the couch "snuggling " as Chris walked in the room " when did you guys turn gay cause I don't recall that !" said Chris pointing at both of them talking to naya " I don't know but there both sleeping so just leave them . " Naya said . The next morning the four of them sat to talk ." ok I don't know when this happend ." started Chris " but both of you need to explain what whent down last night for both of you to be on the couch ." " And like soon ,drawfs 1 and 2 ." Added Naya as bitchey as ever . " N nothing happend ,why do you think something happend ." said lea now knowing how nervous she really was . " We can't lie to them lea . " Said Diana really hoping lea would argue with her but being very dissapontied " ok we're together !" they both said in unison then laughed and kissed each other on the lips . " Um , ok ..?" said naya as uncovertable as ever . " Please no one be mad at me but I have something to say !" said lea . " Ya baby ? me too !" said Diana . " I'm pregnant ! " Both of them said in unison Chris was astonished " what , when ? " Asked Chris ." I think last night or the last time it happend !" said lea looking at her beautiful girlfriend ! " When was the first time ?" Last month on a Tuesday !" said Diana . "aww you rememberd !" said lea " wanky !" replied naya like she always did . " Naya !" I said throwing a pillow at her . " Your the one who's lesbian and didn't tell us so don't put ur baggage on me lea ." she said . "I'm so happy for u guys I remember when me and Darren came out ." Chris said in a gaze . " Earth to Chris" i said hitting him in the head. " Ok ow that hurt !" he said smacking me with a pillow . " It's on like donkey con !" I said smacking him back with a pillow . it went on like that intill Diana threw up. " Did u seriously have to do that on the couch ?" Chris said all jokingly pissed .

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