Untitled Part 1

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~warning I will not be doing accents because I'm terrible at them, and they all might be OOC because I'm also not very good with personalities, I also apologize in advance for grammar and spelling mistakes.....This fic is probable going to suck balls~ Eva~

I was walking around the gigantic back yard, if you could call it that, it was more like a small woods in my opinion, uh anyway I was walking around through the trees and in the proses I stepped in a hole and popped my ankle, which obviously hurt, but a hole in the ground just barely big enough for me to fit in. So like the curious 17 year old I am I crawled through the hole and it turns out it was an entrance to a beautiful cave! I decided to explore for a bit but it soon became sunset,and I was on my way back to the entrance when I saw a small flash of blue. I bent down to pick it up and an old fashion metal chain came up with it, the necklace itself was gorgeous yet simple at the same time. it was a simple diamond shaped cyan blue crystal on an old chain. So I took it with me back to the house. By the time I got back it was pitch black outside, but that didn't bother me to much as I walked in through the back door but on the way to my room I noticed that my mom had another man over for a date and I did not go unnoticed by them "Oh! Sasha dear this is David I invited him over for dinner tonight!" My mother says while I stare back emotionless it has been a month since my mother and father divorced because dad caught mom cheating on him. Mom got custody of me and continued to be with other men, not giving me any say in the matter and barely even acknowledged me anymore. The man-David smiled and waved at me "hey kiddo its nice to meet you." he said with a grin, that's when I noticed the ring on my mothers finger and stared at it till she noticed what I was staring at and smiled happily. "Your marrying him." I say with anger lacing my voice but that was ignored as my mother conformed what I already knew. "Yes isn't it fantastic?" she said with a big grin, but I simply stared back with a frown and her grin turned into a confused look. "what is it dear?" she asks. I ignore her and turn to David whom still had that grin on his face and told him the only valuable information about my mother "Fair warning, she likes to cheat." And with that I walked up to the roof to cool down. after a while I remembered the necklace in my pocket and pulled it out to look at it. It was still beautiful, as I held it I thought I felt it get warmer but I just thought that it was my body heat that did it. I looked up at the clear night sky just in time to see a shooting star, I quickly closed my eyes and wished for the only thing I ever truly wanted. When I opened my eyes I still heard them talking from inside the house and deflated and got up to go back inside but I didn't make it to the window, I collapsed and everything went black. I was starting to come to when I heard familiar voices yelling at each other but I don't remember where I heard them from, when I opened my eyes I found two honey brown eyes looking back at me......

~Well tell me how it was! Just no hate comments please~ Eva~ oh and I do not own Hetalia just the plot and you will learn what the oc looks like in the next chapter if there is going to be one that's up to you if you like this story give it a heart and a comment! wink

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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