Chapter 14: A Sentinel Event

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I verra nearly drew my sword when Frank made the statement as he intended to leave wi' Claire, and ridin' along back to Leoch, my eyes began to pool wi' tears at the possibility o' losin' her to the man.

We rode in silence all the way to the castle. I expect as Claire was havin' a difficult time o' it as weel.

After unsaddlin' the horses, I left the curryin' to the stable hand, and walked Claire to the surgery. I kissed her cheek when I took my leave o' her, but as I did so, a thought buggered my mind. I couldna erase the sight o' Frank pressin' his lips to hers.

Sadly, I returned to our room, and lay down on the bed. I wasna sick, ye ken, but sick at heart. I'd ne'er loved a lass afore I met my Sassenach. And now, I didna think as I could love another if she was taken from me.

I feel asleep, still thinkin' 'bout how bleak my future was gonta be. When I woke op, I fought agin' these depressin' thoughts. It may be as the lass wouldna go wi' him. I kent as she loved him once, but didna she love me now?

When my eyes opened agin, I got op from the bed, and went to see if my godfather was anawhere 'bout. I wished as I could speak to him concernin' the sad business as was oppermost in my mind, but kent as he most likely would think me daft. So I had to endure my sorrow alone. Still, bein wi' him would infuse some comfort into my soul. I roused my faculties, and left the room, searchin' for Murtagh.

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The fever left him the following day, and he was in a decidedly cheerful mood. He had no doubt that this euphoria was due to seeing Claire and clarifying his position as her husband. Would she come home with him though? He saw the way she looked at the handsome young Highlander the first time he spotted them together at Inverness. It was obvious that Jamie was very much in love with her as well.

She also seemed to have found a purpose for her life here, in this time. Would she be happy caring for their little home once more in 1945, rather than these people in dire need of her healing touch?

This was not her era. She did not belong here, however much she could assuage the ills and pains of Leoch's populace. Claire always did have an inordinate amount of compassion saturating her heart, as evidenced by her voluntary service at the front. Unfortunately for Frank, however, being at the frontlines also afforded her a wealth of experience in medical practice—practice that she could utilize in these Highlands.

Ah well, that was water under the bridge, so to speak. He would hear her decision in two more days. No use worrying about it now. The main concern was to feign illness so he could stay encamped here for the duration.

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I could see the pain in his eyes when we arrived at the surgery. He kissed my cheek with such hesitation prior to leaving, and I concluded that it probably hurt him deeply watching me while in an amorous clinch with my former husband. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! Why did I let the man kiss me in front of my Scotsman? Had I lost my mind? What the hell was I going to do about this debacle?

There were a few patients outside the surgery entrance as Jamie and I arrived, so after he exited the room, I motioned for one of the ladies waiting in the hall to come in with her child. Henceforth, I threw myself into my work to forget everything that had happened at the bloody encampment. Damn you, Frank Randall! Why did you have to come here and complicate my life?

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That night, things between Jamie and me were awkward at best. He climbed into bed beside me, but faced away, rather than his usual manner of snuggling up in spooning position. I couldn't stand it, and so I elbowed him to turn around and face me.

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