Chapter one

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You know all those books and movies with the girls who are all innocent and sweet? Then one day the perfect guy comes along; the kind of guy who's strong and will love her deeply, and protect her from harm. He would fight to defend her honour against anyone who would try to harm her. That kind of story.

Well, that's not for me. Nope, I don't need any handsome man defending my honour. I can do that all on my own.

I greatly despise it when some guy comes following behind me trying to open doors for me or picking up my textbooks when they fall out of my bag. I leave them hanging like that hoping that they will fall out, not so someone comes and picks them up for me.

I mean they act like I'm not capable of doing it for myself like I'm made of porcelain.

Ugh, it makes me seethe with anger.

My names Emery. My names fit me very well. It means strength. I don't need anyone to fight my battles for me when I have all the strength I need.

I'm not an innocent girl.

I'm a half vampire.

Yeah, being a half vampire is pretty awesome and all, but seriously in this time, all the world is hyped up over a vampire.

Books and movies, all have their own little versions of the vampire world.

Sometimes I laugh at how close they get to the actual details. The old versions were completely wrong. But they are closer now. I also loved to laugh about how seriously ridiculous it all was when we are right under their noses.

But my mother constantly preached to me to keep my distance as best as I could. She was very afraid of someone finding out who we are.

My mother, Annabelle Carpathia is full on vampire. She was bitten not born. She doesn't age like my brothers and I do.

My two older brothers, Vince and Daniel who are 20 and 18, are probably the most idiotic people on the planet. Out of both the vampires and humans.

But I love them, we get along a lot better than most teenage siblings. They were my closest friends sometimes. Today we are moving. Again. Yeah, I've moved so many times in the young vampire life that I've lost count.

I hate it. But it's necessary. Unfortunate.

My mother doesn't age, so she can't stay in one place too long or someone might suspect something. She doesn't look a day over 28; it was hard to believe she had three teenage kids.

But since we didn't interact with other people much, we didn't have to move as much if we did. I don't keep many friends: There are not many people in high school that like a complete gothic lesbian.

Yeah, I'm a lesbian. I mean guys are, to me, only good enough to be friends. I like girls, so what. It's who I am, and I won't change that.

Though I haven't had much luck in finding someone, I'm kind of losing my faith in love.

I've seen so much of the world, and no one has caught my eye. No one that I feel that connection with.

Call me old-fashioned, but I'm Romanian, and in my heritage love is magical. And I certainly haven't found that magic.

And besides. No one would want me to begin with.

I'm just a gothic, half vampire, tomboyish freak!

Anyways, back to reality and no more self-loathing.

My mum drove the old four-door Chevy truck down the interstate. Her long jet black hair blowing around her from the open windows. I sat in the passenger seat. Yeah, I practically wrestled my brothers for it.

I'm a badass, gothic, half vampire lesbian. (finished)Where stories live. Discover now