Time Turner

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          Harry's POV
          557, 558, 559, 560.  I was using Hermione's Time Turner so I could go back in time, duh, to warn my parents about Voldemort. I had to spin it exactly 600 times. (Idk I just made that up). 561, 562, 563, 564, 565 - 599, right before I could spin it the 600th time Ron barged into the room and slapped me on the back. I was pushed forward and accidentally hit the Time Turner. It began to spin around, fast.

          "Bloody hell mate!", Ron said loudly. "How far back are you trying to go?" Before I could tell him that he was the one who did this, the Time Turner stopped. I felt a pulling sensation, like a portkey. Before Ron and I could do anything I popped out of the room.

          Somehow, I ended up at some orphanage. It looked really beat down and unpleasant. I took off the Time Turner and put it in my pocket. After thinking about my situation, I decided to go into the orphanage. I walked up the path and looked at all the kids. Some were running around and others just sat watching them. There was one kid that caught my eye. He was sitting in the shadows and was watching me. We made eye contact and my scar burned ever so slightly. I immediately looked away and continued on my little walk. Once I reached the door I knocked and waited for someone to open. An old lady opened the door and looked angry at the sight of me. 

          "What do you want boy?"' She snarled. I flinched when she said 'boy', it reminded me of my Uncle. I shuddered at the thought of my beating before I came to school. It had been the worse yet. I still had scars and bruises and it had been almost the whole school year, which really doesn't make sense. I think it has to do with my magic. I jolted back to reality and answered the woman.

          "I'm an orphan and I saw this orphanage so I came here." She looked at me for awhile before letting me in. "Go and change your clothes", she barked. "Upstairs there's an empty room, it's yours now. There should be some clothes up there."

          I walked up the stairs quickly so I didn't anger the woman anymore than I might have already. I got to a room that didn't have anything in it except for a bed and closet. I made sure that this was really my room before walking in, closing the door behind me. The room was small, so was the bed and closet. I walked over to the closet and looked inside. There were some shirts and pants, all of them different sizes. I sighed and picked out the biggest shirt and tried to find a pair of pants that would fit me. I found a pair eventually and sat on the bed. The shirt was a tad small but I could deal. These were the most fitting clothes that I've ever had, not counting my Hogwarts uniform. After I had that thought I realized I had no idea where they went, my wand was in one of the pockets in my robes. I looked all over the room and retraced my steps and still didn't find it. I sighed and looked around at all the other kids. They were younger than me, probably between the ages 5 and 13. There was that other boy though. He looked to be my age, 15. Well I was 14 but I would be 15 in July, which was a month away.

          I walked around the play area but I never walked to close to the boy. His eyes followed my every movement, like he was waiting for something to happen. I eventually stopped walking, I was right next to the boy and he was still staring at me. I turn to him and raise my eyebrow at him. He just smirks and looks away. I sigh and continue my walking until we were called in. Some of the kids rushed to eat and others went to their rooms. I followed the crowd upstairs, I wasn't really all that hungry. I walked into my room and saw the boy sitting on my bed, smirking.

          "So", he says, his sounding soft but sharp at the same time. "We're rooming together, isn't that nice." He grins before laying down. "There's only one bed so we'll have to share. What's your name?"

          I panic internally. I hadn't thought about a name. I definitely can't use my real name so I say, "Hadrian".

          "Hadrian hm, well do you have a last name or are you just Hadrian?", the boy asks.

          "Blackwood, Hadrian Blackwood", I blurt. Blackwood? I couldn't have been less creative.

          "Hadrian Blackwood", the boy repeats. "A muggle would definitely not have a last name like that, so you're either a HalfBlood or from a long lost PureBlood family."

          Wait, did he just say muggle? He's a wizard, oh thank god. That makes things so much easier. "I honestly don't know. I've never met my parents and I don't have any relatives so I don't know anything about my family." The boy is silent for a second before looking me in the eye. I flinched then heard him say, "Then how do you know your name? If you've never met your parents or any relatives then how do you know your last name?"

           Fuck, I hadn't thought about that. "I have, well had, a family pendant that had a first and last name on it. I think it might have been some tradition to give it to children, I think that makes sense." The boy just looks at me. "And where is this pendant now?"

          This boy has a lot of questions. "It was stolen from me, I didn't catch who stole it though. So I don't know what has happened to it." The boy nods his head and finally stops the interrogation. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get in bed, we have a curfew and if you're not in bed the caretaker will be angry."

          "Oh um right.", I mumble as I walk to the bed. I climb in and slide under the covers. Though, I make sure that there is plenty of space between me and the boy. Speaking of which, I still don't know his name. "You know, I never got your name."

          "Hm, my name? Tom Riddle.", he answers before closing his eyes. I turn over so we're not facing each other and I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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