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13 years old:

I had just got home from a party that my friend's mom threw for Sage. It was his 13th birthday, and I couldn't miss it. He is my best friend, after all...

My parents gave me a curfew, which was 11:00pm.

I'm not gonna lie, I was a couple minutes late... about 25 minutes late, to be exact.

As soon as I walked in the house, I seen my mom sitting on the couch, along with my brother, Avery.

"Ava Nicole Chandler!" My mom shouted at me.

I jumped a little, and sat my bag down. "What, mom?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"It's 11:26, to be exact Mother," Avery butted in.

Avery and I don't have the same mother. And, of course, we never got along. My annoying 17 year old half brother always finds a way to get me in trouble. But, the woman whose yelling at me? Yup, my mom...

I rolled my eyes and picked my bag back up. "Where's my father?"

"He won't be home until late."

"Whatever." I walked to the hallway to the back, heading to my room.

"You're grounded, Ava!"

I tried to ignore her, but she wasn't anything but an annoying bitch. Avery wasn't no better.

16 years old:

It was moving day, and nobody told me until the last minute. Of course, I was pissed. I didn't wanna leave my godparents, my friends, not Sage!

I jogged up to the front, to the living room, and threw my packed bag down. "Why did nobody tell me I was moving?!"

"Because you're grounded still," Avery looked at me with a grin.

"Look, you'll have fun up in New York." My dad said.

"But I don't wanna leave here! I can't leave my friends, I can't leave Sage!"

"Ava, you'll make some new friends up North. Trust me,"

"No she won't, she's grounded..." Mother butted in.

"Come on, Hilary, she missed 3 birthdays because of a stupid after curfew thing. Can you at least get over it?"

"She has a bad attitude, Dad. That's why she's still grounded..."

"This is fucking ridiculous." I muttered, while grabbing my bag.

"See, this is why you don't get what you want!"

"Fuck you!" I tossed my bag in the truck and leaned against it, with my arms crossed.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, until..

SLAP! Right across my face by my mom. "Get your ass in that car and be quiet!"

I can't even say goodbye to Sage...

17 years old: Ava's birthday.

My mom walked in my room, while I was laying in my bed minding my business. Since I didn't have a TV, Cell phone, nothing.

"Baby, I got a surprise for you."

"Really? What is it?" I sat up looking at her.

She gave me a folder. I raised my eyebrow and took it.

"What is it?"

"Just open it, Ava."

In the corner of my eye, I seen Avery place a condom on my nightstand beside the door. 21 years old and still living with his mom. Saddest shit ever man...

I opened the folder, it was a drop out form from my school.

I stood up angrily and threw the papers aside. "What the fuck mom!? You dropped me out of school!?"

"I don't feel that you're smart enough to try for a PhD, honey..."

"I'm a fucking junior in high school man! Of course I'm not ready! I made the honor roll and you do this to me?!"

"Don't yell at your mother like that," Avery butted in. "Oh, and Mom. Look what Ava has," he said pointing to the condom. "Sounds like she trying to have company tonight."

I know he did not...

Before I could say a word, my mom grabbed me by my hair, and dragged me all the way out of the house.

She pushed me onto the front porch and stood at the doorway, Avery was standing behind her, just laughing.

"You find your own fucking place if you wanna have sex! I will not allow no hoe in my place! You don't ever come back!" She slammed the door.

I got up, wiping off the dirt off my clothes from the ground.

I started banging and kicking on the door. "IT'S NOT EVEN MINE! LET ME IN!"

The door immediately shot open, by Mom with a metal baseball bat. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY YARD!"

"Oh, what you gonna do with that? Hit me?"

I noticed Avery watching us now. Looked like he felt sorry or something...

Just then, she started hitting me on the side, repeatedly. I fell to the ground screaming for help. Not even 30 seconds later, I blacked out.

20 years old: Present Day.

I don't have a place to stay. Because I was a high school dropout, nobody thought I was capable of getting a job. Not even a fast food place.

I tried going to college, but wearing the same clothes for the past three years? No. I'm starting to grow out of them....

I have no idea where I am. All I know is, I'm still in New York... just in a different city.

I pray to God that a miracle would come eventually. I always count on him, he just hasn't answered my prayers yet...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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