Aphmau was in her house one day sitting on a chair she put behind the front door! She was waiting for da mail man to bring her true love, she bought it online on Chad's list but most things on it blew up but her love life is more important. Than the bell drings, Aphmilk got up faster than u can say Gaurence! She opened the door and saw a Chad standing there with a box,
"GIMMY BAX!" Aphmart said, she lept into the BAX and start opening it she took out A TABÉL!! And with the power of Kawoo~chins rainbow cuki aphmelt prepared da TABÉL with a single tooch! Just then Aaron walked down the street to see Elfmau making out with the TABÉL, but just before they put down T, Aaron rushes over and exclaims,
"NO I LURV ME TABÉL!" Artmau replies, Aaron looks offended and angry than Laurence pops out of AARONS back pocket and says,
"APHMEOW YOI SHOULD NOT CHEAT ON AARON TAKE HIM SO I CAN HAVE TABÉL!" He says but he so tiny from being in AARONS uber slim skinny jean back pocket that Aphmeat argues,
Then Vlad runs out and tries to take table but Aphmall hits Vlad with a giant cake and he gets buried in da cake, and then kamiwasa flies from his magical orange platform and takes the table back to it. And Antmau floods the world in her tears while Laurence is in a submarine eating ice cream.