|| Six || Blood

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I woke up slowly and I couldn't move at first cause my body was still asleep.
It was a solid 20 minutes before I could move but then I stopped cause the new cat had jumped onto my chest and stared down at me.
I didn't want to grab it in case it would cut me though it's something I'm use to.
After a while she jumped off and I slowly got up off the couch and felt an extremely cold gust of wind go down my spine, I thought nothing of it considering I had fallen asleep with only shorts, if I remember correctly we all did cause we were exhausted on trying to give the cat a bath.
I opened the fridge and started looking for something to eat when all the sudden the cat jumped onto the counter and then went after the tuna in the fridge.
It was funny to watch her try to open it and after a while she just sat there staring at it until I opened it for her and served it in a little bowl that use to be for Grim but they got him a new one.
I watched her eat and started to hear the others wake up.
I grabbed a shirt and put it on so I didn't have to be cold.
The others eventually came into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast while I ate a sandwich.
The others were talking about what to do while I wondered how my family was doing while I was gone, so I decided to go visit.
I wrote a note and placed it on the fridge and went to the bathroom and changed into some regular clothes and started to walk home.
I didn't realize the cat had followed and I heard it meow from time to time but thought it was another cat in the neighborhood.
Once I got home my little brother Greg noticed me before anyone else did and waved towards me and then I walked upstairs and saw my mom walking by and she looked at me and started to appear shocked and she ran towards me and gave me a hug.
"I thought something happened to you. You've been gone for a couple of days and we didn't even realize."
I have her a reassuring pat of the back and spoke softly, "I just spent a couple days at a friends house."
She let go and my dad came out and my mom told him where I had been and he looked at her and chuckled "I told you he was ok."
I just walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch while my brother kept showing me how much money he had made by doing chores and working for people.
I just let him have his moments and looked as if it was a lot, which to most kids it would be cause he had 10 bucks.
Eventually I made sure everything was ok and then I told them I'd be with my friends again and if they needed anything to call me, I forgot my phone had been off because my mom said I would never pick up, I told her about my phone and she told me to keep an eye on it.
I walked back outside and saw the cat and she jumped onto my shoulder.
I started to walk back to Jack's house and cut through an alley way when I stopped because I saw a sign that said, "Hey Eric, you never did kill me, but don't worry cause I'll be back."
I felt my own face turn pale and I grabbed the sign and took it with me to the house and once I got in the guys turned to me and I just threw the sign onto the floor and ran to the bathroom because I felt sick and I sat there for 30 minutes before I felt better.
I walked back into the living room and all of them kept staring down at it until John said, "What the hell is going on..."
Everyone's faces turn a bit pale while they all tried to figure out what was going on.
We all decided to go back to those houses and looked around more because most of them had basements and maybe we could find something.
We all grabbed our masks and some guns and started to head to the houses.
By the time we got there it was getting dark and we kept checking each house one by one until we came to the largest houses and then we would have to split up until in one of the houses we heard a gun shot and realized John was gone and then a message came up onto the floor spelling out, "GET OUT" Jack instantly grabbed his shotgun and started to run around the house looking for John and we heard more gun shots and soon we all followed and saw Jack and John were both knocked out and then I started to feel someone strangling me and I couldn't breath but I saw Jackson and Alex try to rip the guys hands off but it was no use until I had to bite into the guys arm until I could hardly feel my teeth and once he let go I grabbed my pistol and had to do something that would only make guys who hear about it or see it feel the pain, I had to shoot whoever or whatever it was in the place no guy would ever want to be shot and then we all booked it until I fell onto the floor and felt the guy pull out a knife and started to thrust the knife into me, but he only got a little cut before Jackson stabbed his leg and then he let the knife go and we all started to run like hell while we were all covered in blood trying not to puke on the way home.
We were all scared as if we saw the devil and I started to feel the pain in my hip while running and once we got home we locked everything up and I went into the bathroom and checked on the cut and it was a little bit larger than I thought and I bandaged it up knowing it would heal within a couple of days.
I had to get some rest though but I knew that would be impossible until everyone said they would take turns watching out and then I passed out cold.

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