Chapter 1

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"Killian!" I yell as I walk through the woods in Storybrooke. My breath catches in my throat as I take in the scene before me. The people of Camelot are camped out all throughout the woods. A child plays with a stick, drawing images in the dirt. I press my back against the tree as to not scare off everyone. When they see me, they run. I am the Dark One; I am to be feared.

Except nobody knows that there are now two Dark Ones running through Storybrooke. It doesn't help that Killian won't even come to me to explain. Not since Zalena revealed to him what I had done back in Camelot. What I had down to protect him from himself. He told me he wouldn't be able to handle the darkness, but I had no choice. Inflicitng darkness in him was the only way to keep him alive. I couldn't let the man I love die. Not again.

Letting a tear slip, I wipe it away quickly. The Dark One doesn't cry. She doesn't do much of anything beside hide in her home. My parents can hardly stand to see me. I know my mom is avoiding me so I won't hurt her or the baby. It's just like when she was afraid of my magic not too long ago.

"Killian!" I scream again, this time frustrated. He found out nearly a week ago. I don't know where he went, and I can't seem to summon him. He has the dagger though. If he wanted to see me, all he would have to do was summon me. Maybe it was a mistake to entrust him with the dagger back in Camelot. I should have kept it. Only I didn't know Zalena would tell him the truth. The truth I tried so damn hard to keep from him. I only had to keep it for a short time until I got rid of the both of our darkness. But things changed.

"Emma?" a voice says from behind me.

Staring straight ahead, I know the voice more than anything. Of course Henry would be the one to come see me. He's the only one who still sees me as the Savior. Although I haven't been as pure as he would think. He barely talked to me when he saw what I did to Violet. I'm surprised that he wanted to come anywhere near me.

"Henry," I don't bother to turn around to face him. "You found me."

"Yeah," I hear the crackle of the leaves as he comes in my line of vision. "Your hair is kind a light."

The Dark Ones don't have a great fashion sense when it comes to appearances. Take Mr. Gold for example. In his Dark One form, he does look like a crocodile. Just like Killian calls him. The thought of Killian makes my heart contract. I miss him even though he doesn't want anything to do with me. But maybe he'll talk to someone else.

I look at my son in front of me. He stands far from me, like he's afraid to come near me. "I need you to do me a favor."

He looks taken aback. "Why should I help you? I'm sorry, Mom, but after what you did in Camelot, I don't know if I want to help you. If I should help you."

His confession nearly breaks my blackened heart. "Henry, you know you can trust me."

"I thought I could. Hook and I trusted you more than anyone and then...then you betrayed me. Where is Hook anyway?"

"He's...missing. I need you to find him for me. There's been a problem that I need to fix." I don't want to tell him what I did to Hook. Then he would never forgive me. Just when he started accepting Hook and me. He wasn't very keen on the thought of us in the beginning. Not that I blame him, I never would have guessed I would fall in love with the reformed pirate and villain. Then again, I'm  no better than the past him.

Henry regards me curiously. "What did you do to him?"

My mouth drops open at his accusation. "I am your mother, you will not talk to me like that."

He is pushed back with a forceful wind, falling to the ground. Wincing, he looks up at me from where he fell. I realize my hand is in front of me as if I commanded the wind without even realizing it. I am dangerous, and it's best if I stay away from everyone I love. Killian was right to hide from me. "Henry, I-"

"No," he gets up. "You're weak!" He runs away without another glance in my direction.

Dropping my hand to my side, I will myself out of the woods. I end up near the docks. The Jolly Roger is nowhere to be seen. Unless, of course, he used an invisibility cloak to conceal it from protruding eyes. Or my eyes more likely. Waving my hand, the Jolly Roger appears in front of me. Looking around to make sure nobody is in sight, I go to the stairs of the ship. My black coat brushes behind me as I take in the sight of the boat. He loved this boat, but he said he loved me more than it. Loved. He loved me.

Running my hand along the wooden railing, I press my eyes close. My heels click against the wood flooring as I make my way to the stern of the boat. He's nowhere to be seen atop the boat, but that doesn't mean he's not below the deck. Although, he would have come to see who intruded on his beloved boat. I check my watch; it's lunch time. Perhaps he's grabbing a bite to eat at Granny's with the rest of the town. They don't know that he's dark. Yet. He's only so strong to hold enough of it in before it gets to be too much.

"Where are you?" I whisper to myself.

"Should have known you would find me eventually."

I stop in my tracks at the sound of his deep voice. A small smile touches my lips. "Hoo-" My eyes bulge as I try to finish the rest of my sentence, but he's using his power on me. His dark magic.

He wags a finger at me. "Me first, Swan."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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