Naomi had called again but left a message since Zant didn't answer. "Have them ready to go by the time I get home."
Zant sighed and stretched before walking upstairs to get Aurora.
Aurora was up and got excited as she saw her father she was gonna be a daddy's girl when she grew up.
"Alright kiddo time to go with mama." Zant picked her up and held her close.
Naomi honked her horn a few times waiting outside.
"Oh, time to go." Zant carried Aurora down the stairs and went to grab Anaika but Naomi already had her in her arms.
"Hurry up please!" Naomi said walking out.
"Hurry up please." Zant mocked in an annoying little kid know it all voice.
Naomi just stomped quickly to the car and out Anaika in her car seat. "Aurora's is in your car."
Zant nodded and got the car seat for Aurora. "Here...."
Naomi grabbed it and put her in it. "See ya next weekend.." Naomi said before driving off.
Zant waved bye watching the car leave until he could not see it anymore.
((I'm just gonna do a small time skip when Anaika and Aurora are toddlers and Naomi had Kaden who is 6 months old. Naomi has a boyfriend Josh who she lives with in his apartment and Zant has a girlfriend Vanessa who lives with him. ))
"Zant come on were gonna be late for your family dinner!" Vanessa shouted up the stairs.
Vanessa was a well built girl with some boobs and a small ass she had long brown curly hair and was wearing a red dress which Zant thought looked great on her.
"Coming babe!" Zant said walking down the stairs his jeans have sagging.
"Babe..." Vanessa crossed her arms.
"Fine..." Zant pulled them back up.
Zant was pretty much over the break up and didn't really care about his jealously towards Josh anymore be got more tattoos down his arm and got his left ear pierced he of course wore his baseball cap backwards as he always did he was wearing a black white beater and still had black bangs with Naomi used to adore.
"Are you seriously going like that?" Vanessa bit her lip for some reason his outfit was quite the turn on.
"Yep." He slipped on sandals and walked out to the car Vanessa following behind.
After a fifteen minute ride there they arrived. "Zant honey bring the box inside it's in the trunk " Vanessa walked inside and smiled being greeted by Zant's parents.
"Hi Vanessa!" Angie smiled and hugged her.
"Hi Mark." Vanessa hugged him.
"Where's Zant?" Naomi asked Geoffrey walking to the kitchen.
"He's coming he's bringing some stuff for tonight."
Naomi nodded and bent down checking the food in there.
Zant walked up the stairs and saw the sight. "Hey Naomi."
Naomi gasped and lifts her head up but hit her head on the stove.
"Shit Naomi." Zant set the box down and ran to aid her quickly.