prologue [darkness]

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'High school students Ellie and Randa have been found on the outskirts of Faeriedale Park at approximately midnight two days ago. A few passerbyers have reported strange smells and numerous crows around the area but merely passed it off as nothing. However, a young couple's car had broken down on the road adjacent from the forest.'

'The husband, Soon Minjae, called the local authorities immediately upon seeing the bodies of the two girls in a brush located further in the woods. Multiple strands of hair from the left side have been cut off and tied around their necks, causing Cerebral Hypoxia. Deep cuts and bruising along their faces suggest a struggle and even possible sexual assault.'

'Both of the girls seem to be missing their right inner thighs as multiple incision lines show the precise and clean cuts made. Everyone currently in on the investigation are appalled at the-'

I switched the television set off and pulled the large covers over my shoulder.

'Scared?' Cheon-uk's sleepy voice held a teasing tone as he shifted to bring me closer to his chest.

'No,' sniffing quietly, we stared into the blackened screen until the roaring thunder ahead spooked me. My body jerked back into his slightly while he released a chuckle. 'Everything's ok, Nari.' His soft fingers felt cool against my warm, ruddy cheeks.

'How was school?'

I thought about a response for a few moments, taking one of his hands and fiddling with his fingers.

'Well, I'm still alive.'

He laughed, a deep vibration that felt comfortable against my side. There were always moments like this that made me feel secure.

Safe. Home was where I could rely on Cheon-uk to make me feel better, especially on rainy days.

A silence was finally bestowed upon the two of us; him now braiding tiny parts of my hair while I closed my eyes to accept the lazy daze.

However, our engagement was cut short as a sharp 'ring' had gone off from the door bell. I was sure that my parent would be out for the entire weekend, leaving my boyfriend and myself to house sit.

Cheon-uk looked at me curiously, flints of soft viridian in his amber eyes lighting up in concern. 'Were you expecting someone?'

I shook my head at his response, furrowing my brow as the person outside in the rain knocked on the door frantically.

Cheon-uk slowly rose from his position on the couch and took careful steps towards the door until he took a peek out the peep-hole. A sigh of relief passed his lips as he unlocked the door and let a soaking wet figure into the foyer.

'Hey, do you know how long you left me out in the rain for?' The joking voice belonged to Jeon Jungkook, a good acquaintance of Cheon-uk. His large black hoodie was drenched with water in which he wrung out the liquid with both hands.

'Hi, Jungkook,' I called out from my position on the couch. He turned his head slightly and briefly acknowledged my presence before looking away uneasily.


'Hey, Nari.'

'Nari, should we just have a movie night? I don't think we'll be able to do much out in this rain...' Now both had stared at me for the final say.

'Sure, but no horror tonight.'

'Awe, c'mon Nari!' Pleading, he walked over to me with both hands reaching out for me.

My eyes flickered over to Jungkook who had now made himself comfortable on the other plush couch adjacent from the one I had been reclining on.

'What did I ju-'

'We don't have to watch a movie tonight, I'm actually kind of tired already.' Cheon-uk interjected my statement with his own yawn and arm stretch.

'Jungkook can stay the night, right?'

At the mention of his name, Jeon fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat once again. He wouldn't meet my eyes and instead took interest in the loose yarn coming out from the cushions.

'Yeah, of course, now turn off the lights before I pass out.' Yawning as well, Cheon-uk showed Jungkook to a guest bedroom. I was quick to fall asleep before he returned.


The night seeped into the dark living room as Cheon-uk had me wrapped in his arms. A sudden noise woke me from my slumber, a cross between a low growl and a harsh whine.

I was too frightened to get out of my position, but a flash of light from a nearby bathroom roused my curiosity. Giving one last look to Cheon-uk, I quietly climbed out without waking him as well.

As I neared the restroom, the sound grew louder. The light in the guest bedroom was also on, illuminating the otherwise dark hallway. Several hushed voices spoke out, and the opening of the bathroom door captured my attention once more.

Jungkook, seemingly unsurprised to see myself gave me a careful nod before walking back to his room.

'She's up,' he had whispered in a low voice upon entering his own room.

My head began to feel light, exhaustion suddenly making me feel weak and lethargic. A pounding in the rear of my brain became increasingly painful. Before my head had hit the floor, the shadows of numerous figures exiting the guest bedroom surrounded my collapsed body.


we are back

but this time, we are one

danny & elise(who is now on vacation for the summer : ) )

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