The Babysitter

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The Babysitter

Deep within the hidden woods was a house. In this house lived a family, a very rich family. One night, Mr and Mrs White were getting ready for a night out without their children. They lived in a mansion as big as 10,000 elephants. There were secret passageways underneath the mansion where they used to hide their large sum of money. In fact, they were so wealthy all of the doors had sparkly sapphire door knockers and shimmering emerald door handles.

Mr White happened to be a lawyer who is very high up in his firm. He was looking forward to the night out because his children were very rowdy and rough. They were just about as rowdy as a group of bulls that were charging towards a red flag. Mr White was a kind and loyal person who told the truth and did the best for his family and his clients. This man had white blond hair that was thinning at the sides, his eyes an unusual turquoise colour. His nose was slightly crooked from breaking it while playing around as a young boy.

Mrs White worked as a lawyer as well. She had lots of people to deal with and needs to keep them under control. She made sure that they told the truth so she didn't lose her job. She wasn't looking forward to the night out because she had never left them alone with someone else. The nervous woman had copper hair which reached just below her shoulders. Green eyes rimmed with amber would draw you in at first glance.

Mrs White was a little anxious about leaving her three children, Ellie, John and Isabella, on a night like this. Ellie was an adopted 3 year old and was scared of spiders and lightening. Her eyes were a chocolate brown, just like her skin. A black frizzy mop of hair covered her small head. John was 7 and was frightened of big animals. He had pale skin with a short styled strawberry blond hairstyle, lots of spotted freckles to match. His green eyes twinkled with mischief, reflecting his personality. Isabella is 8 and is scared of dogs. A long string of blond hair covers her back, framing her young and innocent face. Her eyes were an odd turquoise colour, a trait she had received from her father.

Mr and Mrs White were almost finished getting ready to leave. Mr White was feeding Ellie the last of her dinner while the others were playing games on the iPad and computer. Mrs White, on the other hand, was doing the finishing touches on her hair and makeup. Meanwhile the children decided to come off devices and have dessert.

Mrs White wondered where the babysitter was.
"Where is that lady?" Mrs White grunted through gritted teeth.
"I'm sure she'll be here soon." Mr White said as he shuffled to the bathroom. "I think she is just stuck in traffic," he raised his voice so he could be heard. "Ok," Mrs White paced back and forth. Just then the doorbell rang. ...

Ding Dong!

"Oh thank goodness!" Mrs White whispered as she ran to the door. She answered the door and under the porch light stood Marguerite. The young lady who lives down the alleyway. Mr and Mrs White welcomed Marguerite into the house. They explained to her how to work the TV and how to get some food. After they showed her how to put the children to bed, they gave her their phone number and other emergency contact numbers.

It was time for Mr and Mrs White to leave for the evening.
"Goodbye children." Mrs White says.
"See you later," Mr White continued, "Be good for Marguerite please." They all hear a honk from outside.
"Oh, the taxi is here." Mrs White realised.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Marguerite laughed. "Well, time to go to bed children." The children were weary about this new babysitter. The whole process took a while but they brushed their teeth, put on their pyjamas, washed their faces then got into bed to sleep.

When the children are in bed she went downstairs to the living room. Once at her destination, she moves the lazy boy chair right in front of the TV. Soon, she got the remote, sat down and turned it on. The way she was sitting was a little peculiar, normal young ladies sit properly and are a little straight, but this lady didn't. She sat cross legged and a little bit crooked. Not at all similar to how she walked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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