Break my suffering Bonds (kuroshitsuji season 3)

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(Umm . . .About this particular Kuro fic: As I'm sure a lot of you are as well, I wasn't pleased at all with the ending of the second season. Instead of at LEAST giving us a happy ending where Ciel's all "Ooh! My darling Sebastian, we can now be together forever!" they had to suck it up with "Ha. Now you have to serve me for all of eternity. SUCK IT." Seriously. That was upsetting to the SebaCiel fangirl I am. This particular work of fiction will take place about two decades after that final departure in London. I don't want it to be centuries later or anything, because there are characters I still need and I'm kinda tired of seeing all those reincarnation fics out there (no offense to any of the writers doing those, because they're really quite enjoyable). Also, much to my chagrin, this will follow after the anime instead of the manga because of my undying need for Undertaker to be a Shinigami.

There is no beta for this as of yet. If you're interested, please let me know in a note. I will look at some of your own works to see if you're qualified.

Disclaimer: Kuroshitsuji and all of the characters involved belong to one Toboso Yana, who was wonderful enough to bless us with the storyline and artwork that is "Black Butler". Who knows where we'd be without it. XDD

Let's get started!)

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