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Everyone stared in stunned silence at the fallen pony. Lyra, who had been held back by Black Mist, turned her head and sobbed into Mist's shoulder. Mist placed his hoof around her, trying to comfort her.

The Doctor didn't know what to think. So much was happening. He looked out, over the burning city. He thought of the ponies. He thought of the Time Lords, and of Gallifrey. He thought of the Time War. He didn't want that to happen again.

"Why?" the Doctor asked in a whisper.

"What did you say?" the supreme Dalek asked.

"Why?" the Doctor repeated, a little louder. Then, he turned to the head Dalek, and yelled, "Why don't you just kill me? You have me surrounded. I'm powerless. Why don't you just leave this planet alone and kill me now?"

"Doctor," Mist said in a barely audible voice.

"What?" the Doctor said, turning to face Mist, his voice still raised.

"Did you see that?" Mist asked. He was staring at Bon Bon. The Doctor looked at her, and thought he saw her chest rise and fall, but just barely, as if she was taking a faint breath. The Doctor walked up to Bon Bon's body and felt for a pulse. He turned to Mist and whispered three words: "She's still alive."

"What?" Lyra exclaimed, she hurried over to Bon Bon, with Black Mist right behind her.

Then something dawned on the Doctor. "You can't do it," he whispered. Then, he turned to the supreme Dalek. "You can't kill me. You said that you have been waiting dormant, saving up enough energy to take over, but you were woken up earlier than you planned. You don't have enough power to kill, just enough to injure."

"We can still keep you in pain," the supreme Dalek responded. "We can still rule. We have been patient, and we will continue to be patient. We will build up enough energy to exterminate you soon enough. Every day will be a living hell for you."

"No," Black Mist said.

"What?" the head Dalek said. The Doctor looked over at Mist. Mist's eyes were closed, and he looked surprisingly calm, almost in a scary way.

"I said no," Mist replied, anger slowly creeping its way into his tone. "You won't stay here. You won't destroy us. You will be destroyed." His eyes shot open, and the Doctor saw that, instead of Mist's dark blue eyes, there were pure black voids. So black, that it seemed as if all light was being sucked into them. His voiced also changed, sounding as if it was coming from all directions. "You cannot survive here. The Guardian will not allow you to survive."

Just then, the wind picked up. Mist, with his wings now outstretched, and his horn emanating darkness, he began to lift into the air without flapping his wings. It seemed as though everything was being sucked towards him.

In a sudden burst, a type of dark energy pulsed out of Mist, and everything went black.

Doctor Whooves - Part 2: An Elder RaceWhere stories live. Discover now