Chapter One

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Pinetail padded alongside her new leader, Snowlegs. The proud she-cat's black-topped pelt sparkled with moonlight as they passed the birch trees of CeaderClan's forest. The sky was pure with the moon shining brightly; a perfect day for a leader's ceremony.
Snowlegs was a beautiful she-cat that had a black pelt except for her white legs. Her eyes sparkled green with delight as she stepped over the fallen spruce that lay close to the Twolegplace. She leapt onto the fence of a mean brown tom's garden and began to walk along the wooden planks. Pinetail sighed as the foul stench of the Thunderpath caught in her nose while she followed Snowlegs. Pinetail's brown tail swept from side to side as she walked on the tips of her paws to the next house which had a fence made out of a weird red stone. Pinetail had heard this referred to as brick by the chatty kittypets who lived by the Twoleg nest.
A tall Twoleg kit was playing in the yard with a red tom, bouncing a feather on a thick piece of cobweb that was tied to a stick. The kittypet batted at it with little ginger paws, but he was obviously making no attempt to grab it. Pinetail stared at the weird behavior, but she snapped into focus and followed Snowlegs. Her heart pounded excitedly as she saw the daunting, tall oak tree that stretched to the stars: the Star Oak.
Snowlegs bounded to the trunk, sniffed it thoroughly, and sank her claws into the smooth bark that was scarred with claw marks of previous leaders. There were thin ones from the smaller leaders, and there were thick ones from bulky leaders. Snowlegs made it to a ledge in the tree and waited for the wind to allow her to leap to the branches that would raise her upwards. Pinetail followed reluctantly; she hated climbing. Her paws barely hit the first branch, and she dangled on the branch while Snowlegs bounded upwards easily. Pinetail made a strong leap to the branch above her, and to her joy, she made it. She continued further up until she met the eyes of Snowlegs, who was staring at her deputy with a solemn expression.
Snowlegs waited for a moment with Pinetail, waiting for the moon to strike the leaves. They didn't have to wait long, and the moon turned the tree's leaves to a starry state. Snowlegs touched her nose to the bark and sank into slumber, Pinetail mimicking.
Pinetail opened her eyes to Snowlegs sitting in a vast clearing, leaves scattering the edges. Star-faced cats were beginning to emerge from the trees that shrouded to end of the clearing, their bodies shining with starlight. Pinetail immediately recognized Sparrowstar, the previous leader of CinderClan. Another cat that came was an apprentice that had been killed on the Thunderpath a moon ago; Pinetail's second apprentice, Featherpaw. The silver pelt of the tiny cat showed only strength and peace, no signs of hurt or sorrow. There was a large warrior named Brambleheart who had died from greencough that Crowflight hadn't been able to cure for more than one reason. The fourth cat was Crowflight himself, who had joined StarClan after dying from Brambleheart's disease. Falconsoar was the fifth cat. She had died mysteriously, and she was followed by Sprucepaw who had been hit on the Thunderpath with Featherpaw. The last two cats shocked Pinetail: Raine and Hollyfoot. Raine was a loner who was Snowlegs's friend, and Hollyfoot had been alive when Snowlegs and Pinetail left the camp for the leader's ceremony.
Featherpaw was the first to step forward. "Snowlegs, you have worked hard to reach where you are now, and with this life, I give you determination to serve CinderClan despite the challenges that come with the future. Use this gift well," she mewed, touching her nose to Snowlegs's muzzle. Snowlegs shrank back at Featherpaw's touch, but she became still as Crowflight came forth and Featherpaw backed away.
"With this life I give you endless energy to serve your clan like you should." Crowflight touched Snowlegs with his gift and stepped back beside Featherpaw. Brambleheart followed.
"This life will give you courage to lead your clan into battles and challenges with no fear." He touched Snowlegs quickly and backed away. Brambleheart bounded to his former mentor with seriousness in his eyes and touched her.
"I give you a fair mind to judge for your clan, Snowlegs," he mewed before touching Snowlegs quickly. Hollyfoot padded closest of all.
"I give you a burning protection for CinderClan. You must protect the clan with all nine lives, like all warriors would lay down their one life to ensure the peace of their clan." Hollyfoot didn't have to lean over to touch Snowlegs. Sprucepaw stepped forward gingerly.
"With this life you will have mercy to spare your enemies. Use this to its fullest," he mewed. Snowlegs's eyes lit as the tiny apprentice gave his gift of mercy to his former clanmate. Falconsoar came next.
"This life will provide you with strength to serve your clan to the end of your days," Falconsoar mewed, quickly touching Snowlegs. Raine followed.
"Snowlegs, this life I give you friendship for every cat. This will help you take in the lost and shelter the rejected. Never forget the gift, Snowlegs, never forget it." He touched Snowlegs for a long while, as if he had an enormous amount of friendship to unload to her. He backed away slowly, his eyes shining with pain. Sparrowstar stood proudly above her deputy with pride in her eyes.
"Snowlegs, this final life will give you the most important life of all: Dependability. No leader can go on if their own clanmates can't rely on them. Always deliver what the clan needs with haste, and always reject what will taint the clan. Snowlegs, as you receive this gift, you will become Snowstar, leader of CinderClan." Sparrowstar moved forward slowly and touched her muzzle to Snowlegs.
"Snowstar! Snowstar! Snowstar!" the StarClan cats cheered as Sparrowstar backed away. Snowstar stood and smiled around at her former clanmates while they faded into mist, and Snowstar and Pinetail were jerked back to real life.

What ya think of Rogue's first chapter?

~Holly Pug

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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