Chapter 1

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I hid in the bushes as wolves ran and scattered around the cold desert sands. My older sister Cali and my younger sister Grace were right beside me. We watched as bodies fell one after another...there was war. Wolves sniffing out survivors took my sisters away. I was scared, I was weak, and I am alone.

I am a sand pack wolf and my name is NewMoon. I am all this unforgettable night...

I woke up to the blazing sun, still in the bushes. I had no strength, the wind blew at the ocean of sand covering the distance. I laid down and closed my eyes....waiting for the pain to go way. I felt a paw on my back shaking me to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw a grey wolf with a scar across one of his eyes. He has his hair covered on one side of his eye and his back was covered in spots. "Hey are you alright?!" he asked me as he grabbed out a container full of water. "Here drink will help you." he puts the container to my mouth and I drank it as my life depends on it. "Hold up don't drink too fast you're going to choke." I slowed down and thanked him as he helped me up. I was still a bit weak but I can walk. He told me that he is going to take me in as one of his pack. We started walking a bit till I was the borders of the two territories- the desert and the forest. Mother and father told me to never go to the forest because there are bad people that live in there, and our enemy, the forest pack.

"Come on this way," he called back to me. I hesitated, I knew I would regret it if I went in, but I have nothing to lose. I trotted in and followed him deep into the damp woods. The wood was a very mysterious place. It had weird flowers and the floor was wet and hard, not like the soft warm sand. As we got farther in I saw their den. He showed me around and told me to say at the nursery den. Before he left me I asked him one question I should have asked him before I followed him. "Who are you?" I looked him straight into his dark eyes. He gives me a smile and told me "I am Grey, the alpha of my pack." I watched as he walked away.

I started walking around the den, looking unfamiliar things and also the other wolves. The other wolves looked very different from me because their colours were different. I have light yellow fur, blue eyes, and a giant patch of white fur on my back, neck, paws, ears, and the tip of my tail. As I trotted around, I heard whispering and glares staring straight at me. I felt uncomfortable and different from the others. I started to get hungry so I went to the food storage hole where they kept all the food, but the other wolves growled at me when I stepped in. They wouldn't let me through and I have no strength to fight these adult wolves.

I went back to the nursery where the other pups played. I was still hungry, but a lone pup was sitting in the corner of the den. I heard mumbling from that pup. I walked towards it and tapped its shoulder. He defensively turned around and growled at me. His sharp teeth showing and claws made me back up till I hit the wall. His eyes were filled with hatred and anger but, it also shows sadness and pain. The other pups cried and screamed as he was cornering me. This made the other wolves rush in and Grey was one of them. Grey scratched the grey pup that was cornering me. The pup got up and said to me, "You're on the wrong side, and if you want to live, you should come with me." Then he glares at Grey one last time before limping away. Grey walked up towards me and told me that I was safe now. I nodded but, I still felt glares and hatred stares at me.

After I finished I went for a walk around the forest. There were so many new things to see and so many colours. As I walked a bit deeper I heard a river and decided to follow it upstream. There were many creatures near the river like a giant brown furry thing and shiny animals swimming upstream. I stared at everything in awe that I didn't notice something on the floor till I tripped over it. I turn around to see what I tripped over and it was that one pup. I got closer and he looks like he was in pain. I put him on my back and carried him to a nearby cave. I walked outside and grabbed a gigantic leaf and scooped up some water and dragged it back. I slowly fed him some water and let him rest. He looked badly hurt and the scratches were deep. I didn't to leave him alone out here so I tried to hunt for rabbits and mice around. Even though I was bad at hunting I managed to catch a mouse for him, I set it down and grabbed some leaves and covered him up just in case he got cold. I saw him shaking so I laid down beside him, warming him up and soon after I also fell asleep under the Moonlight.

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