I'm on the move. Again.

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"Bringgg!" 6:30 AM. I flipped the wifi on, buttoned my collared shirt, and ran over to my computer. It was time to play the movement. I made a quick peanut butter sandwich as my stock charts loaded. As I chewed, I stared at Synacor's stock. It was so close to my target price; just a few cents more, and I would be ready to sell. So close. But the stock fell. The more the price dropped, the closer I watched. My hopes of selling that morning quickly evaporated. Though I was confident that the stock would go up, I felt horrible. I glanced at the clock. 7:20 AM.

Time to move. I grabbed my tie, my backpack, and the keys. I made it a few minutes before the train arrived and tied my tie. As we boarded, I found a comfortable spot to stand and pulled out my book, A Whole New Mind by Pink. After getting off the train and walking the streets of San Francisco, I made it to the Government building. I glanced at my watch; I was early. 8:25 AM.

I moved to my office, dropped my stuff off, and ran up the stairs to greet my supervisor. When I walked over to her cubicle, she smiled and took me to Kris, a worker from finance. Kris wanted me to look at past invoices, calculate how much the airport owed the office, and compare it to how much the airport actually paid. I thanked her and ran down to my room to get to work. I loaded Excel and began typing away. After I finished calculating the last invoice, I glanced at the clock. 12:00 noon.

I moved back in my chair, took a deep breath, and drank some water. Then I ran up the stairs to go over the details with Kris. She looked happy that the numbers matched up nicely. We thanked each other and I grabbed a quick lunch before I went back to my supervisor. I spent the afternoon packing and organizing for the office move. Quite honestly, I was relieved that my task didn't involve the computer. While packing, my supervisor came down and as I smiled at her, she told me it was 5:00 PM.

Time to move. Back on the train and home I went. Walking in the door, I threw off my tie and checked the stocks on my iPod. Synacor had dropped, dropping me to 50th place in the competition. I quietly walked toward the piano and played "My Heart Will Go On" to calm myself. We ate a quick dinner as I reflected about the positives in my day. The clock ticked 7:55 PM.

I moved to the computer, grabbed my headset, and loaded up Skype. "I want to start by discussing how to move the chess league's brand forward. Then we should evaluate our marketing plan."

"Bringgg!" 6:30 AM.

This was a little snapshot in my life :) If you liked it, please give it a like and follow me on Comma (link in my bio). Trying to get to 500 followers on Comma! If you're creative, you'll like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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