In the beginning

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Juliets POV

"Why don't you hate me? You should hate everything about me." A single tear falls from my eye.

He doesn't look at me and my mouth is suddenly too dry to speak. My hands are trembling and I clasp them together tight until my nails dig in my pale skin. I need to feel it. I need to know that this is real.

Please say something.


Finally he looks up at me and takes hold of my hand. The warmth of his palms are strangely reassuring and I suddenly don't feel the cold drizzle of the rain. I don't feel anything.

I begin to say something - anything to relieve the silence - but he covers my mouth with his soft hand. 

I hold my breath.

I should probably start from the beginning.

Finally its Friday and almost at the end of lunch, as I stretch my pale legs out on the bench to get the last few rays of the sun on a May afternoon. As I sit with Jamie, I don't really concentrate on her conversation but as Lawson finishes their song, I catch a one sentence and sigh.

''You know her as well as I do, Luke. She's too good for you. its o...v...e...r.''

Ah, Luke 'the puppy' James. What more can I say? Well I guess my best friend Jamie said it all, and it was true, everyone knows me. Only the best for me, and believe me when I say this, I have broken too many hearts. They all want me yet they know I am too perfect. Too perfect. And its not just the boys who I get attention from. For some reason, the girls either hate me or love me. I'm like the Marmite of their school lives. There are some okay looking girls who hate me because I lure away their crushes and all the ugly ones want to be my friend.

With a set of parents who love each other to bits, I guess I do believe in true love (as icky as it sounds). After four moves and three new schools, I haven't met him yet. The perfect match for the perfect girl.

Before we get too big of an audience, I finally decide to actually say something while Jamie tries to scare Luke away with threats (concerning his eyebrows being shaved off). Pulling the earphones out of my ears, I reluctantly turn around on the bench.

''Luke. Go.''

''Buh...Buh Julieee c'mon pleeaasse we are meant for each otheeeer!''

I give Jamie a look and she rolls her eyes back at me. Girl telepathy. 


'' Noo noo noooo Julie noo!''



Tears brim his eyes. Gawd, he is such a baby.

''Get OVER me Luke. It was never going to work. Geez, just stop!''

After one last pout from him, he finally scuttles off while Jamie blows upwards into her jet black fringe. I swear she is the only one who understands what I go through. 

The bell finally rings and I grab my bag to get to my form room not before taking one last look in my compact mirror. Who knows, maybe I might just run into him on the way to my form room...

Yeah, in my dreams.

Hey guys, how's this for a first chapter in my first ever book? I love doing this and I'll carry on writing so I'm not too bothered about votes and whatever and I will probably never be good enough for a watty award hahaha anyways to whoever is actually reading, the next chapter will be coming soon! dustypinkhue xxx

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