We Gots Dis.

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Today @formerlykayne-bvb and I decided- after pretty much a year after the idea- to name our band Mourning Faye. Now we just need to find a male vocalist;as in can scream and growl, a guitarist, and a drummer. She is the lead vocals and bassist while I will sometimes be on vocals whether  or not I can belch out some radical burps. Yeah, our bands going to be pretty unique.


@galaxyjellyfish310, Josh, and I had came up with the idea to make tattoos. Temporarily temporary (haha I crack myself up) until they can be permanently permanent. @galaxyjellyfish310 is the manager 'cause she's good with money, I'm the artist and Josh is the guy that'll make the tattoos last longer than Sharpie  lasts. I'm thinking to make our company/club/I-really-don't-know-what-it-is a little more known, we can talk to the art teacher to see if maybe she'd let us because tattoos are art. She can help with the supplies and everything. I'm pretty confident in this plan. I've changed my goals in life to become a tattoo artist anyway so why not start in high school? However, I am aware that Sharpie is TOTALLY different from actual ink-in-skin tattoos.

By the way, we would extremely appreciate if you didn't steal any of the names or songs, thank you.

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