Chapter 1

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Hey guys i'm not going to explain why now but i've decided to change the plot of tight and the characters, i didnt have any hope in the story i was writing but now i have a few ideas to incorporate between the two plots. I'll explain in full detail later on but thank you for staying put and i hope you enjoy what is to come! x


“Hey no fair!” i scowl at my best friend as he takes the piece of toast i relied on as a breakfast from my blue marble plate.

“Sorry Angel, I snooze, but you lose.” He shots me a wink before taking a crunchy bite out of the buttered toast.  I don’t know what ive done to put up with a breakfast stealing best friend, every day in the morning. “You’re honestly lucky i’m in a really good mood today Christian, otherwise you would’ve unleashed the full wrath of Jenna Brooks.”

“I would’ve unleashed the full wrath on a piece of toast, yet you give me no shit when I’m hung over and i force you to cook me breakfast?” he stares at me in confusion. “What can i say, i’m blinded by a love and hate affection for you” i scrunch my nose at him, before turning to the coffee maker to pour myself a hot cup of espresso coffee, and placing it down on the table mat. I watch Christian walk over to the kitchen table, and take a seat on the white stool before stealing my coffee, and praise it with pleasure, I roll my eyes. He sets the coffee down onto the table before giving himself a second to catch his voice. “You nervous for today angel?”

“Nervous would be an understatement Christian McFall.” I say, and to his reaction it seems as though he is aghast to my feelings. Despite the fact I have been prepping for this interview for the past two weeks now, it hasn’t been enough to subside the worry in my brain, neither ease my anxiety. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” He swats his hand in the air. “Besides, you will totally nail this interview and they would be crazy to not hire you. However, it comes to a situation where all hail has exploded, just bat an eyelash and they’ll melt on the floor you’ll see.”

I throw my head back in laughter in retaliation to his scenario of events. “Are you seriously giving me advice  on how to seduce my possible manager, if it comes to the point where he realises i’m more or less a shitty candidate for the job?” i ask rhetorically, but knowing Christian, there is bound to be an absurd answer. He takes a moment to pause and think about it, resting his index finger on his chin whilst having his sight up to the ceiling. “Fuck yes I am” We both laugh in unison and I admire his charisma and charm to make me feel even the slightest less nervous than I am feeling in this moment.

“On serious terms though, i’m petrified to be in the same room as any interviewer. What if i fuck up, and we both know i need this job more than anything right now.”

“you’ll pass that obstacle, when and if you get the job, which you’re going to one hundred percent nail.” I shoot him a wryly smile and he leaves his chair to come around the table to give me a big hug. I’ll never stop feeling like my childhood days when he’s around, and i love him so much for making me feel steady. “Now hurry that fat ass, and get it over there before you’re late.” He takes my head between his hands, and meets his gaze directly in line with mine. “You’ll do great” he whispers, before placing a light chaste kiss on my forehead.

Grabbing my bag and my car keys, i shoot him a small smile and he gazes at me in a way that says ‘you’ll be great’, which gives me the slightest reassurance, and then I head outside to my car. Even if i don’t land this job, people would think ‘how the hell did she get a Mercedes-Benz A class?’. To be quite honest, I don’t even have the confidence in myself to rock a car like this, but if my dad wants to pay an all out car for me, why the hell not? I step on my pedal and stream through the predicted minutes all the way to Seattle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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