Alternatives to Self Harm

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Updated 12/4/15 7:58 p.m.
Obviously I'm not glorifying self harm. Let me know how these work for you.

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1.) Take a scalding shower, just to the point where you can barely stand in the water.

2.) Use a red pen to draw on yourself, dig in a little if you must, but not so much that you actually bleed.

3.) Make a hate poster. Fill it with all the negative things you think then wrip, and or, burn it.

4.) Make a positive poster, and hang it where somewhere you can always see it.

5.) Listen to Classical Music, the dynamics and change in the piece are ike changing emotions.

6.) Learn something new, just hop on youtube in search for something to learn.

7.) Go to the Animal Shelter. Everyone knows animals are great stress relievers.

8.) Take up a new hobby.

9.) Tumblr.

10.) Tweet stupid shit with lots of hashtags.

11.) Write or read.

12.) Make new ships of people or things.

13.) Talk to strangers and vent your problems. I personally enjoy the vent app.

14.) Watch TV. There's a lot of masterpost on Tumblr u can use if u don't have Hulu or Netflix.

15.) Watch a Disney/Pixar movie

16.) Watch an older Disney movie.

17.) Research something you always wanted to know more about.

18.) Watch Random YouTube videos. Who knows? You may start a trend.

19.) Mess around with apps.

20.) Listen to new music

21.) Sleep

22.) Talk to someone, even me.

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Feel free to comment any other alternatives you use, or know of.

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