Sia And Tanya

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Sia joined Tanya at the entrance to the middle school. They linked arms, and smiled at each other. "Ya ready?" Tanya asked Sia. Sia nodded nervously. In truth, she wasn't really ready. She had just passed the fifth grade, and now they were going to another school! But still, thankfully, they were together. They would never be separated. They had been friends since the first grade, and their relationship stood for five years! They were both proud of it.

They marched confidently into the school, like walking into the mouth of a gigantic beast. It was the first day if middle school for them. They were both excited, and barely nervous. They knew that with each other, they could do anything.

They marched up to the folding table where a woman was handing out class schedules and locker numbers. When they joined the line, they started chatting right away.

"So, I wonder what my locker number is," Sia wondered aloud.

"I hope we're next to each other," Tanya hoped.

"Me too. What happens if we're in all different classes?" Sia asked.

"Well, there's always lunch time," Tanya exclaimed.

"Yeah. I wonder how big the school is. From the outside, it looked humongous!" Sia said.

"Oh, yeah. What if we get lost?" Tanya worried.

"Um, hopefully there's a map somewhere." Sia piped up.

It was their turn in line now. "Hello, ladies. Here are your schedules. The numbers are paper clipped to it. How was your day?" The woman greeted them brightly.

"Excellent. Thank you," Tanya spoke for the both of them. In general, Tanya was more outgoing than Sia. Sia was more of a shy person.

"That's great. Well, have fun!" The woman told them. They nodded, and stepped under one of the staircases to read their schedules and locker numbers.

"Okay. So it looks like we have seven periods together, and two separate." Sia said, comparing the two schedules.

"And my locker is very far away from yours. It's in a different hallway." Tanya told Sia. They both groaned.

"Well, hey. At least we have lunch together," Sia said. She was always one to brighten other's spirits.

They hugged each other, and turned in different directions for their first class. One of two classes that they would be separated from the other.

Tanya's Point Of View:

I turned sadly away from Sia, heading for my first class: History. History was not my favorite class, but it was one of them. My favorite class was Math. I'm very good at math, and I enjoy using my reasoning skills very much.

I walked down the halls, searching for room 119. If only the woman had given me a map of this place! It was a maze! I thought, maybe there will be a map on one of the walls. I scanned the walls for a map. So far, there was nothing. I thought that I was paying attention to where I was going until I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry," I said. I looked to see if it was anyone I knew that I had bumped into. OMG! It was the hottest guy I had seen in my life! "Uh.. ..... I... Sorry..." I stuttered. Oh what a fool I was. I gained my concentration, and started again. "I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to! Oh, it's my mistake! I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"Me to. If I was looking, then I would have seen you." He paused. Long enough for me to think no, it was meant to be! He startled me when he started talking again. "I could take you to your class if you want. You look lost," he offered.

"Oh, please! Thank you!" I said. He was so cute! Maybe, if he took me, he would realize that we were meant to be! Ugh! I was so lovesick!

He reached out for my hand, and I took it eagerly. He started walking. I told him the room I was going to. He nodded, and kept walking. "So, is this your first year of middle school?" He asked.

"Obviously," I said. He laughed. His laugh was deep, but also merry at the same time.

"So, tell me about yourself," he requested.

"Um. I am twelve years old, I want to be a scientist when I get older, I have two dogs and a fish." And I think you're hot, and want to be your girlfriend, I thought. But I knew better than to say that. "And my name's Tanya," I finished.

"Cool. I'm Luke." he told me. I blushed, and looked down at my feet. "Don't you have Science class for your third period class?" He asked. I looked down at my schedule. It said: Science class third period.

"Yes," I answered.

"That's nice. So do I. Do you want to be my partner?" He asked.

"Sure," I told him.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I went to my classes, ate lunch with Sia, went to more classes, got home. The only words I seemed able to hear were : Do you want to be my partner? Yes. Do you want to be my partner? Yes. Do you want to be my partner? Yes...

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