The Start

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"Congratulations to unit 44-813! You have passed training and you are all now guardian's!" Said the voice of the Traveler. "Now, take a moment and listen to your newly elected Vanguards!" The Voice stepped back for the Titan Vanguard to stand at podium. "Once again, congratulations new guardians. But currently I am here to Address the Titans." With a serious look on his face he said "I look forward to smash in the faces of the fallen, taken, cabal, hive, and vex with you." He smiled and stepped back. Now the warlock. He stepped up "Hello graduates. I have not much to say, just congratulations, and i hope to work with you soon." He stepped back. It was my turn, the newly elected vanguard for the hunters. I stepped up. "Hello." All of the hunters cheered loudly, say thing like "woooh" or "That's the legendary hunter." I slowly said, "I may be a vanguard, and your faction leader, but think of me as a friend, congrats unit 44-813, and don't fail me hunters!" I saluted and walked back to my position." Now 44-814, you are dismissed, speak with your vanguard for your first assignment tommrow, go forth!" As that they all stood up and started to leave. I started to walk away as the Voice of the Traveler stopped me. "Now know the history of exo's and the hunter vanguard position...." he said. I looked at him, "i know that, they all went rouge. I plan to be different." He looked away "Good, now, i need to finish the prep for the new guardians first missions, good bye" and like that he was gone. I went to my quarters and took off my armor, revealing my robotic body. "Man, what a long way us exo's have come." I layed down and began to close my eyes. I layed there for hours, but i couldn't sleep. I put on my gear, but only took my side arm. I proceeded to walk outside and pull out my ghost. "Hey, little me." I said to him. "Yes sir?" He said. "Bring me to orbit, i need to go for a ride." "Yes sir." Suddenly my body was lifted up into a beam, the suddenly, i was inside of my ship right above earths atmosphere."I'm gonna go to Venus for a bit." I thought. With a push of a few buttons i was thrown into warp speed and in a matter of seconds i was on Venus walking around. Little did I know, the flight i just took, was going to change my life forever. ....


If you dont understand, look at destiny lore, it will make sense.

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