Welcome to Jack's!

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"Welcome to Jack's!" The staff shouts as the door opens. Genevieve walks the family to a table and seats them down. "Your server will  be with you shortly." She says with a smile.

Simon is at their table as they settle in. "Hi guys, I'm Simon and I'll be your server today." He smiles and brings his little notepad out. "What can I get you to drink or to start off with?"

"Umm..." The kids look at their parents for approval on sodas, the reluctant nod of approval from the father. "I'll take a Coke." Says the youngest which is echoed by the other two siblings. "An unsweet iced tea for me." The mother smiles kindly. 

"Can I get a glass of whatever's on tap?" The father asks, an exasperated look on his face. Simon nods jotting all of it down. "Lite or regular?" "Regular and can we get an order of fried pickles?"

Simon nods. "Anything else right now?" A shake of the head from the parents. "Alright. I'll be out with those drinks and your fried pickles." He turns and leaves the parents to wrangling with the children who're already making a mess with the sugar and salt.

He turns the fried pickles order in to the kitchen staff and gets the drinks. The kids have all but stopped making their mess, probably under the threat of grounding. Upon the drink and appetizer delivery there's a prayer and he leaves them to it.

"Simon!" An older man walks in and takes a seat at the counter, waving to the kitchen staff. Simon walks over to him and shakes his hand.

"Hey Watson," He looks over the older man. "The usual?" 

Watson nods, pulling an envelope out of his pocket. "There's no rush either. I see your already busy." He nods at the family. 

Simon gives an appreciative nod. "Thanks Watson. I'll be with you ASAP." He takes care of family and talks to Watson when they don't want anything else. By the time the family leaves, the dad is wavering in his steps and the mother loads him and her sons up.

As they're driving away Watson holds out the envelope to Simon. "Don't open this till it's time." 

"Time for what?" Simon asks sipping a coffee. "Time for my wedding?"

"Well that's part of it." Watson looks Simon in the eyes. "You're the Chosen One." Simon starts laughing. 

"The Chosen One?" Laughter comes in fits. "Chosen to do what? Flip burgers? You're a hoot Watson! I'll tell you what." 

Watson looks at Simon sadly. "You think I'm joking?" Simon just howls with laughter. "I wish you saw the seriousness of it." Watson stands up and walks out leaving the envelope on the counter. "Call me when you do open your eyes." 

Two weeks go by without Watson coming into Jack's. People come and go but Watson isn't among them. "Hey Gen, has Watson come in while I was off?" 

She shakes her head. "He hasn't been here since he gave you that letter." Another week passes with no sign of Watson. 

Halloween comes around and a man in suit comes in and looks the diner over, his eyes locking on Simon. "Simon Caldwell?" Simon nods. "Agent Darkk, FBI, can I have a moment of your time?" 

"Of course. I'm not in any trouble am I?"

Darkk shakes his head. "Not as of now. Did you know a man who went by the name Watson?" 

"Yeah, he used to be a regular here." Simon puts it all together quickly. "What happened to him?" 

Darkk looks at Simon for a moment before answering. "He was murdered in his home late last night, torn to shreds is more like it. When was he here last?"

"Two or three weeks ago." Simon tells Darkk about their conversation, excluding the envelope. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"I'll call you if I need anything else." Darkk pulls a business card out of his suit jacket. "Call me if you remember anything about Watson." Simon nods and Darkk walks out. 

Simon pulls the envelope out from his apron pocket and opens it up. "Chosen One huh? I don't think so." He pulls out a bit of cash and a letter. 

'Dear Simon,
                              Time is of the utmost importance here. If I'm correct you're opening this letter on Halloween and you just received a visit from an FBI agent. You are The Chosen One meant to unite the Faes and the Mythics. If you fail the world will completely fall to chaos.
                                                                                                                                               Sincerely, Robert Watson'

He finishes the letter and tosses it in the oven and it releases a cedar smell as it burns.

Customers come and go through the door until closing time and Simon is left to close up.

Whistling to the tune of his music he hangs up his apron and slides his hoodie on when a banging comes from the front.

"I'm sorry, we're closed!" He shouts coming up to the counter and sees a bloodied man in a suit banging on the plate glass door.

"Oh god!" He rushes to the door and the man tumbles in, locking the door as the man starts wheezing. "Agent Darkk?!"

Darkk fumbles in his coat and passes his gun and a note into Simon's hands. "Don't worry, it's not my blood." He pulls an inhaler out of his coat and takes a deep breath from it.

Simon looks at the items in his hands before Darkk grabs him by his shoulders. "Listen to me, you may not have believed old Bob when he told you but you are the Chosen One."

"Chosen?" Simons shakes his head. "I've never been chosen for anything in my life!" Darkk glances out the window and pulls Simon and himself back behind the counter.

"There's no time to explain your importance." He pulls a dagger out of a seem in his jacket as something starts ramming the windows of the building. "This Billy Goat will take this building to the ground. Go! Now! And stay out of sight!" Darkk dives around the counter and through the cracked window.

Simon looks over the counter for a split second to see Darkk climbing on top of what looks like a giant billy goat. "Go!" Comes out of its mouth in a guttural cry.

Without a second glance Simon runs out of the back into the alleyway. He runs as far as he can before getting into a taxi and going home.

As Simon enters his lonely apartment he sees a silhouette standing in his small living room.

"Hello Simon." A female voice says. "Seems like you're Chosen. I'd run as far away if I were you."

Simon can't budge from the spot as the most beautiful woman he's ever encountered steps into the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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